Recording Hardware "Beginner" Setup

So now that I have some money again I ordered the Behringer UMC404HD as planned.

Excited to try it out. Also have to borrow the stage mic an audiophile friend of mine has. So many projects… But it feels good to fill my time with productive and constructive things instead of binging the next tv series on netflix as couch potato.

So far I’m happy with making room in the budget for another bass as the purchase sequence of me now is: amp, bass, DAI and that makes sense to me.


… but you already have a bass!

:rofl: :joy: :laughing:


Technically it’s not mine.
I am in posession of it and it would probably be okay to keep it indefinitely but I do not own it. Technically.

Or maybe you misunderstood me - I was talking about my past decision of canceling the order of the 404HD in order to have budget for another bass which turned out to be the ESP Ltd

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Well it is so straightforward that I did this without thinking. One night I was struggling with this “song that should not be named” and wanted to send a video to a musician friend to take his opinion.

I was sitting in front of my PC with my old bass in my hand. Went to skype to send a video message simple as hell…

No editing. No sound conditioning. Nothing! Just a passive bass guitar connected to Scarlet Solo

You can see that video and sound quality are in different leagues and the reason is that the shitty camera of my laptop and audio input from scarlet solo got put together!

I will do this again for your other thread about this “song that should not be named” with better lighting and my new bass to see how much I have improved after 1 month of playing…


Yes - the sound quality is really nice. Even without comparison to the video :wink:

Good job with the favorite lady of this forum! And I was just about to ask you to put the next video into the Billy Jean thread. As this one demonstrates the DAI quality it fits perfectly into here.


My Behringer 404HD already arrived and I can’t test it because I have to work. Cruel world!
I just ordered yesterday around 17h. So I’m positively surprised at the delivery time.
I also wonder why the bass build kit did not arrive yet as I ordered it a few hours before the DAI.

Since I don’t want to do a second recording - Billie Jean Practice as Caped Bassist :wink:

It’s recorded with my DAI.
I routed the Line-Out of my PC to the second input, adjusted the mix at the DAI and used headphones (as you can see) as monitor. Very happy with the result and it was a lot easier to find a setup to record while hearing the backing track.


Which already was more effort than needed.
The DAI also counts as audio device so when setting up the computer I can just set it as main audio device and hear all the computer sounds too while they aren’t being recorded.


yes, it’s way better than to route the output to an input because of an un-needed digital-analog-digital conversion. even with a good quality DAC (which is most possibly not the case of your computers sound card), the good practice is to avoid digital to analog (and vice versa) conversions as much as possible.


Sorry crackle I crackle did crackle not crackle understand crackle what crackle you crackle said


very short version : the more direct the better :v::grin:


Sounding really good!

How are you recording the video?

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Hardware: Logitech C922 Pro Stream HD Webcam
Software: (Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.)

I directly put my second monitor into the video with OBS. You can have multiple video and audiosources and arrange them as you want. You save arrangements as “scenes”. I have different saved up depending on the monitor and audio I want to record.


That’s pretty cool. I had no idea such a thing even existed. Are you able to feed the mix from the DAW directly or do you have to marry the audio up to it later?


Yes. As it counts as recording device for the computer you can directly feed it into OBS.
You can add any audio or video source or image and arrange it as you want on the video canvas.

I read your post again and realized you said DAW - although I did not do that it’s certainly possible. You just have to set up recording right. You can have the DAI audio output and input in the source in the video so that way you have what you play on the bass and what plays as backing track.


Oh, that’s interesting. I’ll have to start trying this to see how it works. I didn’t anticipate that the backing track output to the DAI would be available to feed into OBS. I was thinking I would have to feed a monitor mix from the DAW to OBS to get both into the recording.


I am going a simpler route since it’s just me right now. I am using an iRig HD2 which came with AmpliTube (although I’m mostly using garage band for now). I am interested in some of the other DAIs everyone had been talking about for more inputs/output options. The iRig is nice for now since I can use it with my Mac, iPad or iPhone all with either garage band or AmpliTube once I learn how to use it.

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I’ve created a comprison table for the ones most used here if that helps!?

What would you need the additional in/out for?

I saw your table which was very helpful. Thinking of microphone, etc for inputs or other musicians


Sooo… phantom power is a requirement for you. For everything else I don’t have more suggestions or tips for you to decide. I think the main decision would be how many inputs do you actually want/need for your purposes and then have a look at the models that fit both.

I’m not sure how the Behringer U-Phoria line works with the general Phantom Power button although I have it here. Could be that phantom power is deactivated for the inputs you set to “instrument” instead of “line-in”!? Would make sense.
I have a mic but it’s just USB and kind of mic/DAI already combined so I can’t test it.


personsus package ?
that’s what I got …

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