I might ask for that for this bass… What all would you need from me to model something in CAD?
I’ve got friends with 3D printers who could do the fabrication work.
I might ask for that for this bass… What all would you need from me to model something in CAD?
I’ve got friends with 3D printers who could do the fabrication work.
@BeerBaron I would need a sketch with dimensions of what you want a model of.
When you put a thumb ramp between pickups like this, how do you attach it to secure it? I assume you make use of the screws that mount the pickups. But how do you do that without interfering with their operation?
I, now just use the StewMac double sided tape sometimes I have to add a bit of layers to make the proper height. On the Jazz bass (standard), I could adjust the height via the screw. As the ramp sits on top of the pickup tabs.
Is there a particular reason for making the edge wavy?
Yes so the thumb can be rested at whatever comfortable distance to the E string.