Sanity check, please

This was supposed to be a happy post: a reveal of my brand new bass that I have rewarded myself for finishing the B2B course. Instead, I need to ask for feedback to gauge the validity of my concerns.

  1. The package arrived a day late via UPS looking like a driver rolled the truck.
  2. When I unpacked the box, it contained…a bass. Rolled up in bubble wrap.

    No manufacturer box, no manual, no registration card, no gig bag, no invoice. The bass does not appear to have been damaged.

This is supposed to be a brand new Yamaha BB 734A from Guitar Center. I was surprised that it was not back-ordered, and it shipped directly from a GC store in Eugene, OR. The plastic sheet covering the pickguard looks like it has a lot of light, superficial scratches on it…like maybe it was a display unit that people have been demoing for a while. This is my first mail order bass or guitar experience. Does this sound like what I should expect for a nice, new, full-price Yamaha from Guitar Center? Just want to calmly validate my expectations before calling Guitar Center Customer Support.

Thanks for any feedback.


That’s an automatic return for me. Seriously, just last night I was looking at a new bass and it is cheaper at Guitar Center. Their corporate offices are just a few blocks from me, but this would be mail order. Should I decide to get the bass, just seeing this picture and “treatment” would justify paying the higher Sweetwater price for me (or, in-store delivery and pick-up at Guitar Center). Hopefully, they “sweeten” the deal should you choose to let them send a replacement after your return.

Edit: I meant to start the paragraph with, “Oh, hell no…”


When you return items to GC under the 45 day period they resell them as new.

That’s their policy. So you might be looking at a return that they turned around and shipped out to you.

If you like the bass I’d see if you can get some GC credit. Polite email etc.


Thanks for the quick response, @booker_t.
What should I have expected to find when I opened the box? Truss rod wrench? Some kind of minimal manual or Marketing blather? Do they tend to come in manufacturer packaging?


Wow, I am not sure I see a bass-shaped object within that mess of bubble wrap.

This is very frustrating. Here’s what I probably would do:

  • document as much as you can with photos
  • see whether there are scratches on other parts than the plastic covering the pick guard
  • thoroughly check the bass for any damage, including the knobs, tuners, electronics etc.
  • contact GC and tell them that what you got is not what you had expected and what they seem to have promised; you want to return it as it is not living up to your expectations; unless… you would consider keeping it considering the state it’s in if they would meet you “halfways” (meaning a significant discount). See what they say!

No box likely means indeed it was a demo; registrations cards are not necessarily coming along; gig bags neither (check the specs of the offer); invoice and manual you should be able to get online.

Not what you had hoped for, but you might be able to turn it into a great deal (if the bass is OK) :smile:


Thanks @barney. Now that I’ve determined that it didn’t sustain any damage in whatever hell UPS put it through, I would consider holding onto it with some kind of adjustment. I really do like it, and they are backordered for I don’t know how long. That’s why I’m try to figure out what, if anything, they’ve short-changed me on.


At the very least, being new from GC- the Yamaha box, opened if they did the pre-shipping set-up/check). Wrench/tools, certain bases have certificates of authenticity, manual/marketing (a lot are online now), straps and other manufacturer specific things; i.e., I have never ordered a new bass without a case (hard or soft). As @Barney relayed, a phone call and telling them you can forward photos will solve this “problem” easily. Don’t settle, just call.


Sometimes it’s good to look at the big picture. You have the bass you want and it’s undamaged.

Like @joergkutter said. A polite email listing the issues. You’d like to keep the bass but can they compensate you in some way blah blah.

Politeness goes a long way when you’re dealing with people who are probably overworked, under appreciated and not well paid.

Congratulations on the new bass.

If you order a Fender then Leo’s grandson personally delivers it with a bow on it and a cold beer. Fact.


I’m tending towards your approach, @joergkutter. Photos already taken, close physical inspection done. I’ve got it plugged in and am trying to validate the electronics. Thanks for the input.


No! There should be blood in the streets.


Yea, dump a truckload of horse manure in front of GC or something… :rofl:

(Nah, as was pointed out, a polite chat is the only sane approach here (like with airline ground personnel, front desk people, etc etc :wink:))


Yep, @Barney, I am empathetic with people who are doing a job I would hate. (And that’s why I came here to get feedback before picking up the phone. I HATE entitled, demanding, complainers.)

And that Fender beer better be a cold IPA or I’m calling the manager!


“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??!!” :laughing:


You’re Jeff Vader!? From catering?! :joy:


Oh the food is hot!


Thanks, @Barney - I got it all wrong… couldn’t remember properly :crazy_face:


I’ve purchased four basses online from GC. Three of them arrived exactly as I expected: Inner box from manufacturer, tags in place, manual, truss rod wrench, etc.

The fourth one was like yours: no inner box, wrapped in bubble wrap, no manual, wrenches, etc.

And two big gouges in the body. :worried:

I took it into my local GC where they checked it out, apologized, and swapped it out for a slightly different model that was not on sale.

If you like the bass and there is no showstopper damage (like mine) I think you will probably find that they are willing to work with you.


I’d see if GC would offer any compensation for the muck up, $50-100 would be nice. Email or a call back to the store is much better way to go than in person return because they are looking at paying for the UPS pickup and shipping plus reship you another That’s at least $100 right there.

I had a run in with SamAsh Used G&L USA, went to return at my local store and the guy there was a real jerk, I called the store where I got it and arranged for the FedEx to pickup, then the manager just said, how about $200 off and you keep the bass, I said SURE! It took me 15 minutes to fix the issues and I’m all good.

It never hurts to be passive aggressive, lol


That sucks. For future reference, the only thing that might not be an issue - you mentioned scratches on the pickguard.

This is normal. Pickguards ship with a very thin plastic protective film. Often these will have marks on them (scratches, tool marks, etc). They just peel off and will reveal a pristine pickguard underneath.

Otherwise, as others have said, completely unacceptable. Looks like a return they resold as new.


:rofl: :smiling_imp: :rofl: