Seat/posture when playing?

Yeah buying a decent strap is key.


I use a flat stool as well, cushioned, with feet planted on the ground. I’ve found that playing bass improves my sitting posture, as it just plays better when sitting up straight. A nice cure for my tendency to slouch sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: When I’m tired of sitting up straight though, I just stand and play. Great question though - because for me it does make a difference in overall comfort, sound, and playability over a period of time.


I’ve got one dodgy knee and a slightly dodgy back, so I find playing while sitting far less comfortable because of my body, though I did make a conscious effort to get my comfortable playing height to be virtually the same whether standing or siting.

Now something I haven’t seen anybody mention about their position is their belly getting in the way. Maybe I’m the only one that has a belly, but I find that the higher I have the bass positioned, the more it wants to "roll over’ the top of my belly and face upwards to the point that I start looking down at my fretting hand because I can see the whole neck face. I’ve made a real effort to not look down but the bass is still trying to tilt towards my ribs.

The obvious solution is to lose the belly - you don’t need to tell me - but an odd effect of trying to counter the problem is that I could play without looking at the neck much sooner because I had to.

Yeah, so, sitting down only emphasises the belly conundrum, so standing is the way forward for me. I also figured that if I was playing with other folk I was more likely to be standing so it was a better routine to get into.

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Great, thanks for all the feedback!
guess i will try standing, that seems to be a common theme i am seeing


Good question! I practice sitting, mostly, and my posture is something I’m always working on.

Having your feet on the floor seems important to me, if you’re getting uncomfortable over time that’s no good. And chairs with arms are a dealbreaker. So something:

  • comfortable
  • good height with hips above knees, feet on the floor
  • no arms

I’ve been using a drum throne lately, and it’s ticking all three of the above boxes (circles).


Okay. This might be too much information but I’m going to go there.

The most comfortable place in the whole world for me to sit, is on my very own toilet! When I can’t find any place else to get comfortable to play, that’s where I go. I even have a small table in there to put my computer on for doing my lessons. I can go in there, close the door, block out the whole world, and focus on my playing. It’s actually quite peaceful.

Knock! Knock! Knock!
I’m Busy!
(I am. I’m practicing.)
No! I’m not hiding in the bathroom!
(I am practicing.)
Go Away! I’m working on something really important!
(I’m trying to get through playing Billie Jean another thousand times so I can nail it on FAST.)


Definitely TMI, but hilariously so. Luckily for the rest of us you didn’t mention whether your trousers, like your pick technique, are up or down. :wink:


Ouch :grin:


Ha-ha! :yum:

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@eric.kiser at least in there, if your playing stinks you can simply turn on the exhaust fan. :smiley:


Josh, I’ve been wondering if a drum throne would be suitable for bass practice. I take it it’s working well for you?


I use a drum throne as well


@honukai42 Welcome to the forums!

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Hey @PamPurrs, yeah it’s great. I got a DW5000 series and it seems like it’ll hold up for a long time, even with a giant bass alien sitting on it every day. :alien:

And welcome to you and your drum throne, @honukai42! :partying_face:

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On my first sessions I did not have a strap so I played sitting down, both feets on the ground and it was ok even if I tend to curl over the bass, but after I got a nice strap I’ve been playing standing and I feel better, more loose and relaxed. When my back starts to ache, I seat down. I am also trying to find the best posture.


I was in Guitar Center today, picking up my new Zoom U-22 I ordered (Discussion on another thread), and I practically tripped over a nice, used drum throne for only $9.99! Needless to say, I snagged it.
Unfortunately, due to some silly law in Mesa, AZ (where that particular store is located), when someone brings in a used item, it can’t be sold for a certain period of time (Some sort of pawn shop law). Even though Guitar Center is not operating as a pawn shop, they still have to abide by that law. Even though I paid for it, I can’t pick it up until October 18th.
Can’t wait to try it!


what a strange law !


We are a land of strange laws


resurecting an old thread … :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

today I bought this drummer seat, in brand new condition. the girl who sold it to me got it with a drum but she already had a seat, so she never used this one, so it’s really in new condition. I paid an incredible bargain price of 10€ for it. not sure it’s very high end, but for 10€ it’s pretty cool. very stable and it doesn’t look or feel cheap at all.


That’s a cool stool, and a great price, but please tell me more about the pink telecaster :slight_smile: