"Share some good music" Friday

I work on my own a lot (which means I get to choose the music), finishing houses. Occasionally I work with another finishing carpenter on bigger jobs. We both love Tom. Last week we just played him on my Ipod all day. 8 hours straight of Tom. That was a good day. My favourite by a mile is this:

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Working my way through their YouTube back catalogue. I stumbled across these guys recently. Don’t know the bassist, but he’s awesome. In fact they’re all great. This one was just released.


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Lol Bez. Wild and crazy days :+1:


His new gig, LOL.

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Some nice indie I hadn’t heard before.

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I’ve posted one or two before but this whole album is phenomenal. Deadmau5 performed by an orchestra.

Need to follow the youtube link to get the full list.


Yeah, Orchestra mixed with modern rock, or metal or punk, is always cool.
This is a great example of that.
I love the whole song, performance and the band plus Orchestra. I just wish they would do less angle changes and show the whole thing for at least a minute or two. Is that too much to ask from an 18 min song?
I know they used alot of footage sent in by fans in attendance. I would have love to go there, I have always wanted to go to the Red Rock Amphitheater just into the Rockies west of Denver. I have driven by it, it is built right into the mountains, and must be super awesome to experience.
As I have driven by it a couple times, I can only imagine the view, day or night, from inside the venue.
Even if you hate NOFX, this is worth a watch, or listen.


Instead of reaching for A-6, you could use D-1, for the pinky-challenged.

Translated as “hatred” in Gaelic, FUATH is the atmospheric black metal offshoot of SAOR’s Andy Marshall.

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Wow! Does that sound very Southern Rockish to you?

not sure how I would call that … some kind of psychedelic rock !

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Here is another great song from Australian crawl,
enjoy Brian



my girlfriend just discovered and fell in love with pg.lost today.

I might keep her :yum:



Good girl :sweat_smile:


So good. Love pg.lost. She’s a keeper for sure!

Short hop to Cult of Luna now :slight_smile:

“So, you know, the keyboardist is in another band…”

Also I love that Best Of, and have spent many hours listening to it while working. WherePostRockDwells is one of my favorite YouTube channels. This topic pointed me at it too.


Nice tip. Subscribed!