"Share some good music" Friday

working at home, every day is Friday


Those guys are so good. Love of Cartography is a great album. They did a US release of their older stuff that is eponomously titled and itā€™s amazing too.

Really great chorus and delay+reverb effects on the bass and guitar for the version of Emergent at 10 minutes in to the session.

His Dingwall has amazing tone on its own of course. Probably has a Darkglass tone capsule onboard, thatā€™s an option with them.

Iā€™ll just leave this here. Frans Vollink, who also made the arrangement, is as scary as ever on bass.

Expected to be released on June 1st.
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This is Fransā€™ solo on the same track.

Canā€™t get the video to play, Peter!! Canā€™t do that to me :grimacing:

Probably due to the fact that you donā€™t have an account on the Book Of Facesā€¦?

Ah, yes, indeed, I donā€™tā€¦

Canā€™t you, uhm, rip it from there? For the benefit of your fusion brethren here??

Let me check.

At the same time, let me also add that youā€™re missing A LOT. This, for instance:

Ripping worked. Now, how to get it in here? It only allows me to upload imagesā€¦

Ah, yes, I always forget about that bitā€¦ hm, it needs to reside on YT or Vimeo, or perhaps your own webpageā€¦ and then it can be embedded with a linkā€¦

Yeah, missing out on a lot by not being on FB, but I guess I am also missing out on a lot of crapā€¦ so, hereā€™s to staying off yet another data collection tool for the big tech guys :grin:

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Is your bicycle named Rosinante by any chance? :wink:

Iā€™ll ask Frans for permission to get it on YT.

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Why, yes it is!!! Wait until I come to the Netherlandsā€¦ I hear plenty of foes for me there :wink:

I can confirm



There is this thing called a crap filter. It consists of choosing your friends and groups wisely (and sparingly). Upcoming elections usually double as good crap filters.



Deleting the FB account - the best crap filter


Yes, but it also filters the good stuff.

And I assure you, there is a lot of good stuff that @joergkutter is missing.

Hereā€™s the video:

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I am sure you are right, @peterhuppertz - but I am already spending way too much time online as it isā€¦ and, luckily, I am only suffering from a very slight case of FOMO :smile:

Thanks for posting this - Frans is just such a grooving and melodic player. This is indeed my ā€œbass idealā€; even if it will always be just out of reach, I will try to get as close as I can!

Just, he says.
OK, now Iā€™m jealous.