Should I get it or wait?

OK if you can open it up was wondering what the thought it
on this bass? Squire P bass made in CHINA! for $180. I want to get the MIM P with the PJ setup, but that’s about $1100. I know this ain’t that but don’t want to pass up a killer deal if it’s staring me in the face. I’m just afraid a China made bass will be REALLY cheap and it will cost more than it’s worth to upgrade it and I assume things just won’t fit without some major work. Just curious what the brain trust thinks?


The Squier Paranormal basses are mad in China, and they’re on par with the Fender Player series quality wise. I have never owned a Sonic series but I wouldn’t be wary of China per se.


Yeah I would not be scared off by things manufactured in China. I mean, that’s where your mobile phone was likely manufactured. It all depends on the brand and the subsequent quality control.

It’s 2023. Chinese manufacturing powers the world. Our corporate geniuses in the West have sold our manufacturing capacity out for profit. Best to get used to it.


It would not get any cheaper and you get 45 days return. Why not?


I decided to order it. If worse comes to worse and I don’t like it I can give it to my brother-in-law who lost his in a fire a couple of years ago. His birthday is Feb.


Hope he doesn’t read this forum! :rofl:


I doubt he’s a member as he’d have to purchase the B2B course and I don’t think he can afford it. Of course if I wanted to be really nice I could let him borrow the B2B DVD’s if I give him the bass.

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You don’t have to do B2B to join the forum. But it was only a light-hearted comment!

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Yeah, I know, but you still have a point! (LOL)

Well the new bass arrived. Sounds like it needs to be set up but I’m suffering from a back injury and can’t do much of anything anyway. From what little I got to play it sounds great.
Amazing was a $175 bass can sound and feel like. And assuming it is an actual P bass neck, the neck feels great and easy to play. I’ll have to try and compare it to my J bass neck to see if it looks different, but feels just as comfortable. The price has already gone up $45, but if you’re looking for an inexpensive P bass this might be worth looking at. Only problem is GC is the only place that has them.

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At this point it seems like such a nice bass that I’m keeping it. Now just have to figure out if I still want the MIM P-bass with the PJ setup. :wink:

The nut width on this one is 1. 5", just like on a J style neck. I did read on a Dutch bass forum that it feels slightly “chunkier” than an actual Jazz neck though.

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I’ll try and measure it to see. I was just worried the P neck would be too big in my hand. Funny thing is, my two favorite Strat necks are the SRV neck and the Clapton “Blackie” neck and both of them are fairly large.

I checked and it’s 1.5”, so guess it’s a J neck. No wonder it feels good. May be a little chunkier but nothing bad. Have to pull out the J and do a comparison to see what, if any, difference. Finally got to do a good tune on it and play it for a bit. Setup looks like it’s not too bad. Haven’t sat down with the ruler and gone over everything but it sounds pretty good. Not bad for a $175 Chinese Squire P-bass.

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