Should I shoot my new bass? (Modding the Harley Benton MV-4MSB)

Yes, VPN is always something to consider. Just annoyed by those messages :sweat_smile:

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The 3rd part is available on YouTube, at least here in France.


If you have no VPN and really want to see it, I can put it on my cloud and make it available to you…

The 3rd part is the worst! The first part is good…

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I bought a 3 year subscription to Surfshark, but couldn’t do the one thing I wanted it for. You’ll never know how intrusive VPN software is until you try to uninstall it. Holy crap! It took me over an hour to delete all traces of it.

As for putting on your cloud? Please do! I’ll d/l it and then you can delete it to reclaim the space.

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That is some good work there man.

Not saying this as a put down, I too at one point love the La Bella Flats, but one day you’ll appreciate the Ronin with the lighter gauge, say 95-35. because short scale produces more string overtone after a while it just gets to you especially with the 2x Humbucker setup.

Unless we have a specific genres we stick to, most of us will go through the cycle of preference. From flats to round to Nylon, to light medium heavy gauge, to P to J to H. May be someday after you find your new Yoga instructor, you may want to move up to 34" or even 35" just because you can, :joy:

If and when you find yourself doing more of the single coil option, it’s probably time to try another string set.

I’m surprised that you are not putting the battery under the Pickguard, though I can see the convenient of the battery box.

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Thanks, really appreciated. Some people hate everything I do, so it’s good to get some positive feedback!

I played Pink*s Hot some more today today, and it’s now my favourite bass. I was like WOW while playing.
I will revisit Ronin and see how I can improve it, maybe move the neck Humbucker?! It’s really great, but I expcted it to be my favourite bass.

I did not dare to make a remark about that: you are a light gauge guy, right?

So I have .95er roundwound on my fretless, cause of f#cking “mwah” .-)
They sound better than I thought, I admit. I though I would miss the low end, but I don’t. It’s different, but I cannot describe it. More defined? less in yer face?
I love the heavier gauges somehow. It’s all a process, so let’s see where I stand next year!

As long as the yoga instructor is old, male and ugly, I am allowed to do yoga :slight_smile:
I proposed that the hot russian girl on the first floor could teach me, but that idea got no love by my girlfriend :frowning:

That’s where I had it before. But I was in a moddig rage and wanted to route somenthing myself, as I was really frustrated about somebody else routing the Humbucker cavities.

First bass was soso, 2nd bass better and the 3rd one perfect. Thankfully, the battey boxes have a little frame, so you cannot see how I failed :slight_smile:

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Well lighter gauge give you more lows low and highs high more sustain as well. With the right touch you can get really deep low and crisps clean high.

Heavy gauge give you the other end of the spectrum and higher tension for those who likes it tighter, I’m just not there in my Cycle journey yet.

Here’s is the man who made the switch for me. Dude is so funky with his playing. It’s super light gauge and he’s got plenty of tight low end and fun crisps clean high end.

Since you have 3 of the same bass you may want to dedicate one of your bass like his. Right side but upside down. One of my bass set up this way. It’s so cool to remap what you learn.

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It might be because you are a " Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" player.
I’m still in my “Hulk smash!” phase :slight_smile:

I will revisit this - again, my fretless has a 95 … every time a play it, I start with a moment of silence for you…

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I am working hard to move on from “hulk smash” to “float like a butterfly.” Still a work in progress.


To be honest, I quite like the “Hulk Smash” way of playing , so why move on? :slight_smile:

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That calls for a cover of Bobby Pickett’s “Monster Mash” called the “Hulking Smash”. :guitar: :+1:

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Hulk smash, Hulk get tired, Hulk fingers hurt. :wink:


Maybe upgrade to a SheHulk better smashes, :joy:


Another reason to go green!

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Even my girlfriend was like WOW when she heared Pink’s Hot.
Today I will start redoing all pickguards and control plates and reconsider the neck PU position of Ronin.

I had the neck PU about 1 cm closer to the bridge PU before, when I did not have the proper pickguard installed.
Now I moved it 1 cm closer to the neck, for aesthetic reasons.
Don’t know for sure, but I think it sounded better before!?!?!?


Can 1 cm closer to the bridge make such a difference? I guess, we’ll find out…


Not related to the original topic, but hey - this is “my” thread!

So, Fender is looking for a software product manager. In my home town! Didn’t even know that they are here…

I guess it’s for the Presonus stuff. I “use” Studio One, I am not such a Fender bass fan … and I am no @howard, who would be a much better choice!
Also, my main area is multiscreen iTV and streaming, so not really related to anything they need.

Still, gonna apply - just for fun! Would like to have a chat, but will be honest that I know much better people than me for this particular job…


I’s be a terrible choice- I am an engineer and not a PM :slight_smile:


Hahaha! Not as terribe as me! I am a PM, but really don’t know enough about that field. In every discussion with you about DAW, DAI and plugins I learn. And understand how much there is to learn still. Too much for a professional environment.
For some categories of products, I’d rather prefer engineers as PMs, providing they are not too much in love with technology for technology’s sake … and always put customer first!

On the other hand, in my field I am one of the few PMs that understand their products. We have many PMs that neither understand the product, the technology, nor the target group.
Maybe this is how it is?

PS I ordered the SSL 12!

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Ahh cool, they make great gear.


There are two types of PMs, Project Managers and Program Managers. When I worked for Motorola University (yes, we had our own), we offered four course paths: s/w and h/w project managers, and s/w and h/w program managers. The project manager programs were Masters-level and the program manager programs were PhD-level. Getting to SEI/CMM Level 5 software quality is really hard. Level 1 (ad hoc) is where many software development groups are.

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