Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

All I have are really good basses. I expect the Paranormal to be exceptional with the upgrades, as will my black Jaguar.

The Sire is kind of an all around bass with the preamp.

The PBass with a Geezer pickup will be a banger.

Blue Jag with the medium scale is super easy to play, limited with one pickup and no preamp but for learning and tooling around really good. And portable.

What to do about a bass named Blu.


Got it from they have a ton of different types and styles. Pricey, and they take a while to be custom made but they do the job pretty well :slight_smile:


That pickguard rocks, @quadfather .


Too bad there’s no place for her. That’s quite the square peg in a round hole. That said, I just ADORE the color of that bass. Lacquered, blue stained wood is amazing.


Definitely gives it some funk :smiley:


17 days, well done. :rofl:


Ha! Doesn’t count. I’ve had a Sire PBass on order for the past month, which I can now cancel. And I sold a bass over the weekend so my bass total is steady :slight_smile:


I have reached an equilibrium with my basses.
I do want a ‘better 5er’ but that will force the sale of the TRBX305.

I also do want a fretless.
Both of these, however, I have decided I want to play a bunch of either of them before taking the plunge, so this will take time. Going to be more picky about them.
The Aerodyne has really changed my opinion of a few of my other basses, I REALLY like it.
So for these two oddballs I want to be picky with options.


It’s funny, I never really connected with how the Aerodyne plays. It’s light and doesn’t have a bad tone that I could find, and drop dead gorgeous, but I never warmed up to her. Not like I did my black Jaguar.


My new Yamaha TRBX174EW with an Orange Crush 25 amp. My first since I bought an unknown brand from Sears in the 1970s and sold it about a year later. Since I consider myself a complete novice, this was purchased purely on cosmetics. So far, I am really happy with it.


Looks great.
A bass that motivates you to play is all you need starting out (and honestly all you need down the line).

Good luck on your journey here.


Thanks. I had every intention on buying a Squier but this bass just called out to me.


If it makes you want to play it, it’s a good bass

The bass that gets the most playing time in my house right now is my $250 Squier Affinity.


That’s a nice rig @KentFrazier !


Very nice gear to start with.


This one happens to be a good bass regardless, so good choice :slight_smile:


Ok, so, here’s mine:

This is a 2009-ish Ibanez SR300 that I’ll never get rid of because of my history with it. Back in 2009-ish, my GF had come into an inheritance, and she wanted to buy me a new bass. So we drove around hitting Guitar Centers and Sam Ashes and all sorts of music stores. We finally found this beauty at a Sam Ash and picked it up.

On the way home, we were stopped at a red light - and had been for a bit - when she glanced into the rear view mirror and suddenly screamed. Then the world went all sorts of wrong as we were rear-ended by a drunk driver going about 80. We were pushed through the intersection and about 20 feet past the crosswalk on the other side… luckily, there was no traffic in the intersection or on the other side of it. Her SUV was crushed to about half its normal size from the force of the impact.

Here’s the kicker: I had that bass sitting in the front seat with me, because I didn’t buy a case or bag (I already had one at home from a former bass) and I didn’t want it sliding around in the back of the car. So… instant attachment to it, it having survived a horrible accident literally by my side. :slight_smile:


Nice bass and glad you are both alright from that accident!

I do f****** hate drunk drivers tho. I really hope that person never drives a car again :rage:


Yeah, we followed his court case for a while… he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, and took a great deal of facial damage, and tried to punch both the police and the paramedics as they were trying to help him. He was a mess.


@KentFrazier those Yamaha’s are probably the best bang for buck beginner bass guitar out on the market right now. I’ve had mine for 4 weeks now and love it.