Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

SX would be another brand I would check out.


Low End Lobster said the Paranormal is the best instrument Squier has made for what its worth


I SX listed on there at first, but then took it off because, on their website, it is the NEWER ones and they are not inexpensive anymore.
All the SX ones that I have seen 2nd hand that are $200 or less, I don’t know where to buy those online, new for a good price. so I just left it off, but yeah, I would grab an SX if I could find one, and probably before the ones I said I would look at first.


I have seen another one, that looks the same as the rest, quality parts that are assembled and have some name slapped on.

These that I have seen on offer up lately have some stand out colors to the rest of them however. Even the Black on Black, which is a stealth black, with black hardware looks pretty damn nice, the finish like I said looks stand out to the rest.
and of course, they have a sea foam green :roll_eyes: with white pickguard, but it still looks better than the Ibanez headless.
I have not found other colors yet.
I will try to post a couple pictures.

it is going under the name on the


I found them on Amazon too. there is a purple one and a burst color as well.
Not sure on Jazz bass, but they make other stuff.


Here is a a few pics.
IDK, just looks like a step up finish compared to alot of the knock off’s out there, would have to see in person tho to know for sure.


Looks sweet!


Thank you for all the advice.
Yes, I’m I’m basically settled on a Fender-style J-bass, and in fact I have narrowed my choice down to two.

One is the Squier Affinity J-Bass, the other is the Glarry J-Bass (yes, price is very much a consideration :frowning:).

My problem is this: because Glarry stopped shipping directly to The People’s Glorious Republic of Canuckistan due to the 'rona, instead of $130 Canadian kopecks, their J-bass costs between $239 and $279 through a reseller. I can get the Squier for between $260-$300 CAD. What would you recommend?


From what I have heard and seen on different forums and videos is that most people are happy with a Squier. I don’t think you can go wrong with that one imo.


I have a Squier Affinity P-bass and I am quite happy with it. Fit, finish, sound and playability are all very good for this price point.

One nice thing about the Squiers is that their dimensions are pretty close to the Fenders they copy, so if you get an urge to mod it there is a huge variety of pickups, bridges, etc. that will fit without major surgery.


Unless the $20-$60 you could save will make a big difference in your financial world right now (and it just might) then for that equal price, i would probably go with Squire.

If that money will help you in a very noticeable way, and help you get from one month into the next, debt free, with enough food, with enough fuel to get to work and pay bills and rent and all that,
Then yeah, I would go fo the Glarry, or one of the other knock off’s, add I would not look back, i would just be happy with what I got, as long as a good set up can get the bass to a nice playing condition, nothing is really wrong with it.
That Harley-Benton looked like a good deal for the price too. Can you get those shipped to you. it was another very inexpensive P-bass that was tested out on YT shows, and the Harley-Banton Jazz would be a good option.

Are you able to find
Sawtooth? Like I posted of that Black on Black stealth, they look to have a step up on the finish and overall appearance of the their P-bass.
I guess I should really ask, can you find a Sawtooth J-bass (sorry, I just realized they were P basses I found, and I have not looked for or found a J bass from Sawtooth, just yet.

was another that LowEndLobster (or somebody else did recently) that was purchased from Amazon, and compared to a squire in blind tests, and other then some pick up noise occasionally and some things needing tightening when first attempting to play, they looked just fine. I don’t recall how it sounded, but I will look in a little bit.

keep looking, I am sure you will find the right thing. Most likely it will be the same thing as the the ones above, just with a different name on the headstock. The only thing is, if you can’t find anything on youtube about the BRAND you found, and you can’t find direct forum links about a particular off name brand, you may just have to buy it and become the first reviewer of the bass. But then you can do a full write up and review on this bass, and even create a YT review / make it your first post on your new channel. :wink: :wink:
But serious, yeah, when you find it for a deal at under $100, or at $100 or more lower then what prices you posted above, you might just have to bite the bullet, and hope, like so many before you, you get a pretty good b ass for the cost, one that you can certainly use and be happy with. but yeah, you might not find people with any experience or knowledge about that brand, so you will have to be the first, and just get it.


You are right. If the Glarry was available for $130, like it was prior to the 'rona, then yes, it made sense. Now, it doesn’t.

The Ivy stuff is just not available right now.

Anyways, I’ll let my GAS stew a bit. I’m not ready to pull the trigger quite yet.


My baby:
A 1996 MIJ Fender Jazz Bass


Beautiful bass, @chris6 . . . :+1:


Very nice… @chris6! Love the color.


yeah, nice color scheme


Love the color!




Good looking bass


Ok, so it’s been a minute since I’ve been active on here. But now that I’ve gone from bad to mediocre I feel like I can contribute a little haha! Here is my sexy…image image image


Glow in the dark dots? Cool.