Totally cool. Just beautiful.
That is one beautiful bass.
What do those pickups sound like? They have had me intrigued for some time
I really like the extenders. They are very versatile. It has a Glockenklang preamp. With that combo it can be anywhere from soft and pretty to fat and meaty.
@Shibata, what are the neck thickness and fretboard radius?
nice. that bass looks like it weighs 4 lbs
Thanks. It’s actually heavier than it looks at just over 8lbs. Still pretty light though.
That thing makes me feel good. Nice rig ya got there, my friend!
So it has a compound neck radius, correct?
And inches work fine for me.
A little premature, but I’ve paid for it. My custom 50s bass from Joe Cucci
(Custom Built 54 P Bass - Warmoth Body - Bolivian | Reverb)
Now for shipping and waiting - the worst
I love that @Wombat-metal.
It’s absolutely beautiful and the VFM is off the scale.
If I was stateside, I’d be having a chat with Joe myself.
This is from the listing. Annoyingly the measurements are in inches.
I hate when measurements are expressed as a decimal of an inch. Pick one system or the other.
I paid quite a bit less than the listed amount, he posted it at a higher amount “so it wouldn’t sell” and I made an offer for the agreed on price. Like that wouldn’t sell at $899
That Freestone neck is awesome. I have one on my 54P but it isn’t as pretty as yours. Good score. You’ll love it.
He has to do that for Reverb when he is making a deal. If it sounds as good as it looks, it will be like thunder
I still can’t figure how he does it for the prices you and I have paid. When I priced what he built for me I was well over $1,000 without figuring labor and using a few used parts.
This one is all your fault @EddieJones I blame you
If I had room in my rack I would copycat Thai bass exactly @Wombat-metal !
Well done.
Congrats, @Wombat-metal. Your Tele bass arsenal is growing.
Thanks. I am moderately excited. Now I need to find a strap
Yup. All I need now is a Tele MM bass. I can get one from Warmoth
MM is not my vibe. I might do a build in 6 months or so and do a bass for my Delano big pole split P. That would look nice