Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

@Vik Damn. That’s harsh. Can they do a bridge?


Thanks man - yeah, a bridge is the likely next step, once it heals up, and there’s a temp partial denture they made for me, so I don’t have to be a toothless dude roaming around. To relate it back to bass playing, some younger jam buddies said it looked “killer” and that I should leave it, and that made me feel better about it, haha!


+1 to that, @Vik! But that’s a good point too: if we spent too much on gear, we might not have the cash when there is a need for more “serious” things (medical etc). But, then again, who wants to be sensible all the time?? :rofl:


Great basses!

On the '53 - it’s cool that you have one, but an heirloom? That is seriously special. Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:


At the moment I have a Fender Mexican P Bass, which has a brilliant tone, and also the Hofner Beatles Bass, which is the short scale instrument and is easier to play. I was taught a microshifting strategy when younger to deal with smaller hands, but this was something I really wanted advise on! @JoshFossgreen you might be able to help. At present I play with the modified Simandl technique, which covers three frets (index, middle and both ring and pinky on one fret.) I want to migrate to the one finger per fret technique but find it difficult to forget the muscle memory. I have tried the short scale Hofner and can reach one finger per fret, but it is difficult to forget the previous fingering. This is a big stumbling block for me as it affects everything I play and hence am still a beginner bassist. I am hoping this course will change all this. I have some very exciting news that I have been accepted onto the women’s NEVER TOO LATE summer camp with Girls Rock London in May. This involves forming a band and learning instrument for 4 days, doing workshops and then performing in a live venue in London!! I would like to be better at playing my own bass lines by then. Its a useful target with this course.


Very nice basses, @siddhi . . . :slight_smile:

Haven’t seen a Hofner for awhile . . . it’s a classic!

Welcome to the Forums, and good luck with your fretting technique. I also catch myself using both ring and pinky on the same fret, so you’re not alone!

Cheers, Joe


Congratulations! That sounds really cool. :+1:


I don’t think you have to pick one! I use both, I’m constantly switching back and forth depending on what I’m playing. And most bass lines are just a three fret span anyway, so Simandl-style works better there anyway (less stretching = less strain).


Could you tell me a bit more about your Hofner? I’m interested in getting one and would like to know your opinion.

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Hi everybody. Been watching Josh’s videos for couple of months now, and almost ready to purchase the set. Here are my 2 basses.

Well, if I did this right (and you can see the pictures), first is a 2008 Squier Vintage Modified J-Bass. My daughter got it (and a Rumble 25) for Christmas. I’ve been wanting to learn to play bass for a long time, and now I have no excuse! I really like this bass! I’ve added a Kickass bridge to it, which made a huge difference.

Second one is a inexpensive Dean I just picked up from an estate sale. It’ll be the one I learn to maintain them with, as far as setting them up properly.



Warwick Rockbass Streamer LX4. Exactly the same bass (even color) as my 5-string was, except now in a 4-string. The 4-string is P/J instead of J/J as well.

This one will end up BEAD.


Very nice, @howard . . . :+1:

Good luck with it and happy playing! :slight_smile:

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Aha, there it is :grin:

You left the other thread with a kind of cliff hanger, so everybody was wondering… but here is the resolution!

Congrats, man!! Glad you gave the 5’er a try and glad you found out what suits you better!


Yeah I was super happy with the overall bass, so I’m glad I could get its one-string-fewer sister :slight_smile:


Congrats @howard!!! So BEAD for this one?? I’m loving the PJ setup on my 174 for BEAD. Brings me back home to playing guitar playing above the 5th fret in EADG territory, but only in a lower octave that I love to hear… And these fat-ass strings really put some character onto the tone!


Yep definitely BEAD, I’ll probably convert it around the end of the month. I miss my B string already :slight_smile:


So it’s been a big (and expensive) week for me, got 2 new basses. The first just got here, my new short scale stingray. So damn excited!


Hello @JerryP ,

The Hofner I have has a unique tone for a short scale bass. It is very light and easy to play. It sounds more “mellow” than other basses (not as low/heavy sounding, but still a nice tone). I have put flatwounds and it sound great especially for Beatles songs. If you are after rock or heavier sounds, you may want to get a different short scale bass. But for my purposes it suits me really well! There are other more expensive Hofner basses which may have a lower sound, but our music shop did this one so it was a really good short scale option! Highly recommended!


Thank you @siddhi. I’m a big Beatles fan so that’s the sound I’m looking for. As soon as time and budget allow, I’m looking at the Hofner Ignition Series.
Thanks again for your input.