Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)



@terb she looks amazing a retro look. I’m sure you will get her to perfection, what a bargain as well.
:guitar: :slightly_smiling_face: :guitar:


first quick test (hard because of the horrible setup) : it sounds warm and fat, like a Firebird but with a long scale which is kinda cool.

the neck is really wide and much more chuncky that what you could expect for an Ibanez.

the pickguard have been painted black, they were originally white.

don’t know exactly what I will do, time will tell !


That is one bad ass beast @terb. I like a lot.

That StingRay copy by Stag, with the Tele headstock I got for incredibly cheap, so cheap you have to kind of laugh, is big and fat and chunky, and actually sounds like a beast, deep and fat.
The body is quite bigger then my Sterling SubRay. Neck is very similar in shape, just the Fender like headstock. Don’t the headstock, don’t hate it, it just IS.

I really like it, for what it is.
Reminds me of this Ibanez because it is so big.
I can’t resist much, it at $40, there was no chance.


the Ibanez is not huge, it’s more or less the size of a Fender Jaguar Bass I’d say (and a kinda similar shape). but for some reason it looks bigger than it is, that’s a bit strange ! maybe a visual effect caused by the bridge, which is truely huge.

might change it because it’s ugly, but at the same time it’s a big part of the identity of this Jet King, so I don’t know. another idea would be to add a chrome cover to jump into the big-shiny-metal look.

I have to find a role for this bass. if I don’t have a better idea, it might end up with flatwound strings for deep/fat/warm tones.


@terb more chrome is always good I love the bridge. bwb pickguard
:guitar: :slight_smile: :guitar:


Caused by the way it’s leaning back??
Makes it look huge for sure. Either way, I like it.


Congrats @terb!


Hi All,

Just got this today and started my first bassbuzz lesson today. So far so good. I needed something to unwind and relax with. This will definitely do the trick.


Welcome aboard @darklordofbass,
Nice new kit, hope you get plenty of enjoyment learning to play👍
Enjoy the ride
Cheers Brian


Thank you Brian. I appreciate how welcoming you all are.:slight_smile:


Excellent user name :slight_smile:


Welcome @darklordofbass!
Your gear looks somehow familiar to me, started the same way :grinning:
You’ll have loads of fun for sure.


Welcome @darklordofbass, you’ll enjoy the lessons and this forum is great with very supportive people.


Welcome to the community @darklordofbass!


Welcome @darklordofbass. Agree, you got a great handle. Nice gear too.

Here is my new bass.
Yess, another, but I sold a few, I am actually down in total bass numbers.

Sold the Squire Jaguar, got in a trade for a guitar I paid $40 for. Reverb valued it between $225 and $345 used in mint condition. It was mint, think my little time on it might have been the most it was ever played. Sold it for a very very fair price of $240.
I originally listed for $300, but after about 3 weeks, and countless lowballs, I lowered to $280, and Let Go for $240.
I had one of the last 3 people to offer say

A guy agreed to buy it for $240, said he would come the next day, then that day told me he just found another bass and bought it an hour before he was to show up

Next guy messages me
I want to buy your Vintage Modified Jaguar for $100.
I replied, sorry, No
He replied. Fuck you then.

Last sold for $240

Next, I decided to upgrade mu SUB super SUBRay for a nicer Sterling StingRay, but still needed $100 after the $200 profit from the Jaguar.
Listed it for $140. Has a $120 Offer I agreed to 2 hours later. Had a few lowballs before him. He said he would be here 10am this morning.
I got a full price offer later, but just went with the first guy cuz I made a deal. Works both ways.

Got my $200+$120=$320
Paid $323.xx for this.
Bad bass photography, but took them this way to highlight the color, which is best in strong light. Not orange, but I do love this blue.

Needed a good set up.

About 1/2 to 5/8 turn to tightening the truss.
Lowered action. Tune is pretty close. I will do a good job of that in a few weeks after I break it in a bit.
Not sure about strings.



wow that is a nice bass!!!


Thanks, I have had some time with it today, and I am loving it more and more and more.

I was never able to plug in last night, but I did for a bit earlier this afternoon. This baby grow
S. It’s awesome. But My lil 20w orange can’t handle it, so I am going to break out the bigger combo tomorrow.


Just a thing I cant wait to pick up everyday. Thank you all for creating an inspiring community! My first few months of learning were terrible (long story), but finding BassBuzz and this forum have been very benficial. Custom 90’s Carvin 5 string, active. Thank you to a VERY good friend of mine for putting this into my hands.



Welcome! You should pop over to the introduction thread!

Also, wait till @T_dub see’s that orange bass, oh man :smiley: