Show Us Your Basses (Part 2)

I have a sunburst VJ74 Re-issue. Great bass for anyone not wanting to spend a load of dough.


They call it a workhorse in their promos which covers it I guess: not super fancy but does the job. I think that undersells a little how nice it sounds, but I have zero to compare it to as it is the only bass I have ever played


No matter the bass, your first is always special. I’ll never get rid of mine.


I wish I can find a fender logo jazz bridge cover that’s shorter like the p bass version. The fender set looks great but not really functional it leaves very small real estate to plug the string. I bought the Atelier thin cover for my Marcus milling and it’s been awesome.


I need to find more superlatives to use when I see a new bass from Al. Seems like I’ve run out. She is a beauty


Lol. Thanks @Wombat-metal I took both out a few days ago at a jam gig both are really cut through the mix and the starbass is surprisingly versatile across genres.


I live my bass life vicariously through Al


Posted this in another thread and thought I should toss it in this one!
Brand new (demo) Fender Kingman I picked up yesterday
Yamaha TRBX 304
Oscar Schmidt Comfort Series
Kala Exotic Mahogany

I play around with strings on the 2 ubasses, So far I’ve tried the standard white and blacks, but also the Thunder brown and Silver Rumblers. I love the Thunder Brown but the smaller diameter results in some buzzing when playing the lower strings.
The Silvers are SOOO sticky. I’m currently keeping an eye out for a good deal on some flat wounds to try on the Oscar to replace the Silvers. I would not recommend the Silvers.


I thought I should join in the show yer stuff thread.
I think I said in my intro post that I tend to jump into hobbies, and this is no exception.
I tend to be a collector and get GAS bad.
I also tend to tinker and mod, sometimes to destruction.

So here goes, I don’t have any high-end gear…yet…but I have plans:

This is the first bass I got, an Axiom (Australian Internet vendor)

Initially everything was chrome but I fixed that (I may change the knobs again too), added the bridge cover and put on tapes. This is a nice workmanlike bass and I have no complaints.

The second bass I got was the Artist fretless hybrid (active), from another Australian internet music store

I loved this bass as a fretless but am not (yet) good enough to enjoy it properly so I changed the neck for one I got from NZ and I love to play I even more now. With this one I have just added the cover and stickers,It also has tapes (I think these are Deep Talking Tapes I mistakenly ordered in long instead of Hofner size). I also put on nicer deep red knobs to match the salami tort.

Following that I decided I needed a Hofner, who doesn’t right?
So another trip to China via Axiom netted me this one:

With this one I was lucky as they were on pre-order and were the last of the ones at that price, I was unlucky as the next batch were more expensive but had the proper pickguard attachment.
I do like this bass, even though it is inexpensive it is a joy to play, proper hollow body (I had my snake camera inside it) and it even holds its tuning and intonation pretty well. Being a Hofner clone it is very light and sometimes doesn’t have that satisfying bass weight, it is also much shorter scale than the others, but when you start playing the body resonates against yours in a most satisfying way. I have no plans to change anything on this one.
I originally got Deep Talking tapes but didn’t like them in the end so it is wearing the Deep Talking Flats and couldn’t be better.

This one is a Monterey I found on Facebook market place, a guy was looking for an electric guitar for his nephew as a swap. Now I bought an electric guitar many years ago and never touched it as I am not really into guitars (I have a banjo). I did the swap and brought this one home.

Again it is pretty good for an “entry level” instrument, all I had to do was tighten up the jack and I decided to improve the solder joints to the jack pins as well.
Almost immediately I loaned this one o a co-worker whose daughter was having some issues as I thought an instrument would help her (natural assumption), any way I regretted it almost immediately as I was missing the bass (I wondered if it was missing me too) so after a few months I made an excuse to get it back- by this time I found out it was sitting in a corner gathering dust.
I have added flats (because, flats) and added some decoration, originally I was going to hide the horn chips with the DSOTM prism, bu decided I like the chips and the sticker looks good where I put it.
I had also thought about stripping this one and doing a paint job, possibly in Bunnings green.

You may have gathered by now that I am a bit of a collector and bargain hunter, this bass is no exception.
Another Facebook find, it was $50AUD, the guy said he didn’t use it and who am I to complain.
I hummed and hahhed a bit knowing that I already had a lot of basses for a noob but once I saw it’s sexy lines I couldn’t get it out of my head.
The mighty Peavey Zodiac:

The absolute base model Peavey but a beautiful bass, thin neck that just begs to be played and a good deep P-Bass sound.
The only flaw is some very minor warp in the pickguard, but I have pretty much fixed it (moron was keeping it in the shed, in Brisbane!)
I left the rounds on it as it is my primary B2B bass and I want to improve my string noise technique, but eventually it will wear flats.
This is my Gothic Rock Machine.

Everyone needs a Fender right?
This is actually my 2nd acoustic, the first was a cheap Kerrara which is adequate but not worth writing about.

Again I have tapes on. I think these are the ones I got for the Hofner and decided I didn’t like.
They are great on the acoustic however.
I play this as much as the others, I love that it makes my body vibrate. This is for when I want to be quieter, to play on the verandah or back yard or down the park and will go camping too.

Now for the prize.
Here is my Pitbull kit.
I built it over Xmas, the plan was that I would capture some of the drawings of my kids, I particularly wanted my daughter’s unicorn (her invention when she was very small)
This was a bit of a project, many, many, many hours of sanding by hand.
Then learning about soldering everything together, in the end I didn’t like the result so I got an aftermarket active harness and I am happy,
Finally the paint job.
Now some may not like the result but I think it is great, kinda naive bad ass.
The tentacles are mine because I like random Lovecraftian tentacles

I put on transparent knobs, I had ordered bright red ones but they never arrived so I gave the clear ones ago and am happy with the result

Thanks for lasting this long :slight_smile:


I like all the custom art on that bass.


Hey now! It’s done. Hopefully on the way to me really soon. Oh my!


Those pickups. That’s funky. Congrats


Delano Xtender is German. Great pups.


:heart_eyes: :drooling_face: :heart_eyes: :drooling_face:


Oh you are such a smartie, @MikeC :wink:




I live my bass life vicariously through AI1885 and Shibata (along with some others)


Holy Crap that’s awesome @Al1885
Is this the one that glows or is irradiated or has alien blood in it or something?




You’re buying up all the really cool basses. Save some for us!!! :stuck_out_tongue: