I could be covered if I wanted to spend all my spare time, which is a lot of spare time getting worked on. Benefits of having a best friend that is a tattoo artist. But i never took advantage of that. we do work when time is right, and we both feel like doing it and I get amazing work for the price of friendship. I don’t like have things in my mind that I want all the time either, so I don’t rush pieces, I don’t have drawn out sleve pieces, but he works a little on them at a time and they fiill in nice, but I need to know what I am getting, and I don’t go over there every time to ee him, knowing what i Want, and just hang out instead, or let. him make money on others.
If he is slow, he end up making me get in the chair, cuz as soon as we start up , It is like clockwork, and once we start up, some money walk in the door (paying customers), so I can end up just getting 20 min touch up of fill in and then he makes his rent money.