How do you transition from one string to the other at the end of a slide? Is it a finger roll (meaning the finger covers both strings), or do you completely move the fingertip from one string to the other (so that it only covers one string)? Or you do both, depending on context?
Also, does anyone remember which lesson Josh covered this in? I am unable to find it.
I don’t think you should read this as a slide starting on the open A string and going to the 14th fret on the D string - it is “just” a (short) slide into the 14th fret (all on the D string). How long exactly you make that slide depends a bit on how much time you have and how “pronounced” you want to make the slide (i.e., this is according to taste - a slide over a wider range would be more pronounced).
You mean ignore that open A and play an open D instead and slide from wherever to the 14th fret?
It looks to me like the open A is just a note to play, and then it’s a slide up the D string ( from anywhere) to the 14th fret.
No, certainly not. It is hard to see what exactly is going on from that little bit of tab you showed (can’t see any rhythm/note length information), but the score seems to require an open A (but maybe that is just the last quarter/eighth note!?) and then a (short, I assume) slide to E on the D string. If that holds true, you play the open A (on the beat required) and then pluck a note on the D string and slide up to the E, such that you arrive on the E on the beat required. By plucking a note on the D you also mute the (ringing) A string. Where you start on the D string depends - as mentioned - on how much time you have and how “dramatic” you want your slide to be…
Hope this all makes sense!?
It’s Otherside, you can find it in the course extras (medium). To me it sounds like a fairly long slide.
@JoshFossgreen when you have a minute could you explain how you meant this to be played? (Or @Gio, not sure who wrote the tab for this one.)
Hail @akos.
What tune is this from?
From the notation - that little teeny curved line indicates a scoop.
It means a small/slight slide into the 14th fret.
For those, you can start one fret below or two frets below. Where you start doesn’t matter. The SOUND is the important thing.
I call it greasing up the note.
You need that 14th fret to have a little grease in front of it. You are sneaking into it. As long as you are scooping into it, you’re doing it right, regardless of what fret you’re on.
It has the rhythmic effect of a grace note - you start off the note and very quickly get onto the correct note.
It’s called a scoop, I think.
Hope that helps.
Ok now I get it, thanks. Everyone was describing the same thing, it just didn’t click for me until you said grace note.
And looking at other tabs I see that a “proper” slide is notated with a straight line, not that curvy one. Didn’t even notice that these were two different things.
Another mystery solved, thanks again everyone. The song actually seems playable now…
Good question! It’s complicated! There are lotsa ways to do itl
On this tune, I’d do the whole slide on the D string. (this is from Otherside, for those reading)
I didn’t cover that specific marking (which is actually called a “scoop”) in the course. It’s often used for jazz articulations in horn charts, but I like using it on bass for slides that start in a vague non-specific location.
Love this.
EDIT: I see all your questions were answered, but here’s this anyway!
Future video maybe? I guarantee 1 like

I guarantee 1 like
make that 2
I keep running into this stuff… The notation looks different here, but is this some other kind of scoop again? (Slide from the grace note into the regular note?) Or something more fancy?
Ghost notes I think, I am not 100% as I don’t know that I have seen them written like that before, but kind only thing that makes sense to my limited thinking on the issue.
Edit: on second glance, i was thinking those were “x” on the 1/8 note, and they may represent some sort of slide I guess.
Guess I just really don’t have an answer for you.
This is (I believe) a pre-bend and release.
It’s a very unique and specific sound.
You start on the A string playing the 5th fret but it is already bent so that when you play it, it sounds as an Eb (6th fret).
As soon as you sound the note, you release the bend back to the normal 5th fret position (no bend at all now) and you hear the D.
This is like the Rage Against The Machine Tune… what’s it called again?
It creates a real cool siren like effect.
If the prebend is too weird and uncomfortable, you can mimic the same sound by sliding from the 6th fret to the 5th.
In the TAB, there’s no way to show that you’re on 5th fret (bent) going to 5th fret (not bent).
The TAB software puts in that little 6 to let you know the sound it’s supposed to make. The notation with the spikey “V” line shows that the technique used is a bend.
Cool, thanks! I’ve been doing it with the slide, but I’m going to try the bend as well.
And yes, it’s from Testify