I left what I thought was a nice comment on what a good idea it is to record/film yourself playing as a comparison, but because i mentioned Bass Buzz as my preferred method of learning, she did not like my comment. There are literally 100’s of books and courses on learning to play the bass guitar, I just don’t get why she should get arsy about my comment? Anyway, despite her apparent affiliations, I still think its a good idea
Who is the person who replied to your comment?
The internet is a renewable source of negative energy.
Ignore it. Don’t mention Bassbuzz inside a video though, YT has strict policies about product placement.
I think someone is wound a little too tight! You simply stated a fact.
I’d ever forgotten there was a forum-like thing in the lessons. Eh, forget them, they need to chill.
Oh lord… the times I’ve mentioned SBL and others here… Josh would’ve banned me already.
We can… and we should share experiences. Not all products are for everyone. Grown ups will understand.
Oddly enough, if you look at the comments someone mentions SBL and the page owner replies saying how great it is.
I see they have a YT channel, a FB page, a website, and a monthly newsletter. They are clearly very serious about their online bass presence and perhaps they didn’t want you to “steal” their traffic.
Anyway you slice it, it’s an odd response.
That said - congrats on finding inspiration and being able to film yourself! It was a very nice comment, too.
She is the channel owner
Absolutely my take on it too
as @Wombat-metal said, just ignore it.
Not a big fan of most social media / forums (fora ?) but this here is a nice place!
Yeah, well, forget her. She’s inconsequential.
Forget who?
Spending a lot of time at Bassbuzz has one disadvantage. It makes one forget that this community is an exception to the majority of the internet.
Thanks… I’ll be sure to drop a BassBuzz ad on her channel
I mention Talking Bass on this forum and I mention B2B on the Talking Bass forum all the time and have yet to get any pushback. In fact there’s numerous threads on this forum asking for advice on ‘what to try next’ and Talking Bass and SBL come up all the time. Sounds like this person is a (Bass)Buzz kill.
Fun fact… I was saying my goodbyes to SBL stating that I didn’t adapt to their methods and wasn’t happy with XYZ… and without any malice, the forum mod asked me if I was coming here… or where was I going next.
If mods / staff of BassBuzz / SBL don’t seem to mind the mentions or comparisons - within reason, that I understand - the rest is just randos on YT being toxic.
Just ignore and move on!
well played maam