Song 1 - "Another Brick in the Wall" by Pink Floyd

Good job @doylecb ! Can’ add any more to what @John_E said. Nice work!


It happens to all of us, welcome to the club.
The takeaway here is to use your ears, and trust them, they will tell you what doesn’t sound quite right. Takes time to develop, but it’s things like this that we all learn from.

Again, great job, keep 'em coming!


Good job @doylecb ! This is the first song I’ve played too, as part of joining B2B, and it’s a lot of fun to play. Especially when you notice you’re getting much better at it. Keep it up!


Ah yes, the dreaded Curse of the Record Button :skull_and_crossbones: I really like @John_E’s advice. Personally, I never try more than two, maybe three times in a row when trying to record myself, but I might go for the one shot take from now on as well.


The closest I’ve come was to learn and record a song in 24 hours. Took about 4-5 takes. I think it was the Garbage song in the challenge.


I’m about to do the Gnarls Barkley song. If I get it out before 5 PM today it will be less than 24 hours which I’m preparing to be super proud of ha ha!


This is take #38 (approx). It’s not perfect. I know I can play the song all the way through, I just can’t capture it on “film”!

I needed to make a decision and move on. This was the decision. I included a nice little effect towards the end that I’m sure you will all like. :confused:

On to #2!


nice @groaner ! Yes, there’s a bit of a curse where you can play the song no problem but once you film it’s a different story. This is a great song to start with, then as weeks go by and you revisit it, you’re surprised by how effortless it feels :slight_smile:


Nice first effort and welcome to the challenge!
I hear a number of notes a bit late in timing, and a bit of a miss on the slide but overall a really great job!
Tone is just perfect, and you sound perfect when in time.

Great job, looking forward to #2


Nice job with #1 @groaner,

Part of the fun is looking back at your earlier covers and seeing how you improved. They don’t have to be perfect.

Oh man, thanks, after doing my own 38+ takes on this, if I never hear that pudding man again it will be too soon.

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Nice job. It sounded great!


You and me both! On to Bad Moon Rising next.


Nice work @groaner ! Tone was perfect.

Thanks Jerry!

Was a fun one to learn.

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Excellent… Nice work! The tone is spot on.
And a little reminder that I need to get started on these myself. 50 songs to learn sounds a tad daunting, though.


Thanks Steve!


1 at a time. Plus, you don’t have to do them all. Do the ones you want - skip any you don’t. Use it however you want to keep yourself interested and progressing…


Thanks skydvr, not doing them all is definitely the most sensible and pragmatic approach. I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so if a challenge is laid down, I will be tempted to take it :sweat_smile:


Finally, got it sorted. After learning Another Brick in the Wall, I listened to the whole of the album (hadn’t listened to it in years) and had forgotten how The Happiest Days of our Lives works as an intro, so decided to learn that too. Since it was so short, it only took a couple of hours to get the gist and a couple of days to refine the whole thing.
I’m pretty pleased how it turned out, but I’ve got to work on my recording as it sounds a little muddy. Hope you like.


Sounds fantastic to me @stevesilver925 !!