Nice job @JT ,
Great tone and you looked relaxed playing the song.
We are always more critical of our own performance, what we see ourselves others don’t see.
Keep up the good work,
Cheers Brian
Sounded/looked great to me @JT. I think we all hear things worse than they really are.
Sounded great to me, @JT . . .
Thanks for all the work that YOU have put into the 50 Songs Challenge !
Grande finale, @JT!
As expected, you sound great. Love the t-shirt and the dancing along. And well done for not giving up after all the frustrating recording drama.
Bravo @JT! Made it look effortless and looked like you were really having fun. I hope to post mine soon…I am ready (I think).
Well done! Nice themed T-shirt too.
Nice job! I didn’t notice syncing issues… I’m 100% with you on the “learning to record took more time than learning the song”, but hey, we only have to do that part once.
Great left hand. I can’t get my fingers to be relaxed like that. Interesting your right hand and fingers are super perpendicular to the string bed. Makes for a succint sound I think. Great job.
Interesting you sat my left hand is relaxed. It is, but I’m frustrated with it, because I’ve been told by a physical teacher and others that it’s too squashed and that I need to make my fingers go more parallel to the frets. I really struggle with this though. My hands just don’t like that position and I find it highly uncomfortable (particularly when close to the neck). My teacher says it is something I just have to push through and it will become comfortable eventually. So, I try, but when I’m doing a recording, I don’t worry about it as I have enough to worry about.
I only started recently too! Honestly give it a bash! youll have soo much fun!
Howdy everyone!
I finally had a few minutes to make a video (and then my 4 legged office worker started barking in the middle of it!). Oh well, it was my best take yet and worst things have happened. Now on to the next.
I look forward to your feedback.
Sounds good to me, @JDDaniel . . .
Sounds great @JDDaniel, and all dogs are welcome here!
Like the tele bass.
The slide could be a little more ‘slidey’ but the important part is you got to the right fret!
Yeppers @John_E. I practiced the slide a few times and knew I missed it. I was more worried about which fingers to use that far up the neck and the fret buzz I had experienced on almost every other take. Thanks!
Good job @JDDaniel!
Whoa, the Tele P-bass is killer!
Nice job @JDDaniel,
Your dog added a bit of extra bite to your cover:joy:
Tone and production very nice, if I was going to be critical about your performance I’d say you just need to try and focus on having your picking between strings being more consistent, you seem to have a really heavy strike on the E string when changing from the A string.
Keep up the good work,
Cheers Brian
Well done! You played all the right notes as far as I could tell. Even though it’s the first song of the challenge, it’s not the easiest. The syncopation is a bit challenging.
That bass looks ace. And I don’t blame the dog for wanting to be a back-up singer on Floyd.