Song 1 - "Another Brick in the Wall" by Pink Floyd

Good job! Few stumbles and missed notes here and there, but most of us are doing the same (I know I did!). You definitely carried the tune through overall. Thanks for joining in. Looking forward to the next one you do! How did you find the overall experience of learning the song? It’s the first one I learned in it’s entirety and it was more of a challenge than I thought it would be. :slight_smile:

I know from Discord that this was your first time recording like this, so well done for taking the plunge on that too.

BTW, by my count we’ve had 22 recordings submitted. That’s incredible!


Yep Brain @TNKA36 not sure why the E string pluck was so heavy. I was conscious of it and when I attempted to go lighter, I tended to go WAY lighter.


Thanks, listening to the song (for like 75-100 times advice from @Lanny which helped a lot!) it sounds easy, but it isn’t so easy.


Yeah, familiarity with the song helps a lot for sure. Especially in knowing when you play something that doesn’t sound right. If you don’t know the song then you might not realize you are playing something that doesn’t fit. And on this one for example, I’ve heard it so much, that I could just sense when transitions were coming, like lyrics and guitar solo progressions. I think I’ll struggle more on other songs in the challenge that I don’t know, but I feel like I know most of them to some degree.


Good job @BassDarling! Nice tone on your bass.


Much more than an ‘attempt’ @BassDarling!
Try to get those fingers separated in more of a 1 per fret if you can vs. microshifting so much.
This will help build up those nasty little finger muscles and start to tame them into submission to do what you want them to do. Will help in the long run also with faster songs.
Great plucking!
Sounded very good! Nice job!!


Hey Belle,

pretty good job! Liked it and this bass looks astonishing <3

Two remarks I have:
I noticed in the beginning that when you were playing 3rd Fret on A string, you tend to drag down the string which alters the pitch.

During the 7x Repeat, I noticed that you are playing 5th fret with your ring finger. If somehow possible, try to use your pinky for more effiency and less hand work.

Keep it up! looking forward to CCR!


Thanks for the feedback
I found this quite hard for a number of reasons, I have tiny hands and a short wingspan hence the short scale bass
For slow songs with a stretch my pinky behaves beautifully eg module 1 lesson 4
For faster stuff mod 6 less 4 where I have my pinky bend to reach over a string it sticks bent and sort of pops back to straight, it feels horrid and can be painful, I stopped playing for a few weeks as it hurt so much
Since starting again I tend to use pinky and ring together to exercise my pinky so I can do scales etc but try to reduce the weird locking
I’m sure it will come with time but it’s so frustrating at times.
I don’t want to stop using my pinky but I do swap if I can get away with it
Thanks again for the feedback, I hadn’t noticed the string bending
It’s really hard to keep my bass in tune with the dropped D as the strings are slacker on the short scale, it took forever to get it to stay out lol, I was glad to tune it back up to E


Brilliant @JT loved it!
Thanks for the inspiration and the technical help

Awesome :sunglasses:


Nice job guys, awesome covers still rolling in!

I’m enjoying watching/listening to everyones covers, hopefully we can all keep it up over the coming weeks!

Cheers Brendan


No worries, you’ll get there! You may want to try and angle/lift the Nut/Tuner part a bit more, to have this on shoulder hight. I feel like this steep angle help to spread the fingers :slight_smile:


Make sure your action isn’t too high. If you have no idea what I’m talking about then let me know and I can explain that better. Lower action is easier to play, but medium and high action have their uses too. It’s a personal thing.

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Thanks @JT I’ve had a set up and my action is nice and low. When I first got the bass the neck was convex and had a ridiculously high action, there was buzz on the E just from the vibration of the string and being slacker on the short scale you need a bit of clearance
I might try a standard bass in a shop to see if I can reach but even with her minor issues I love it


Sounds like you are in good shape then. Fingers will naturally get stronger and more flexible the more you practice. Mine still have a lot of breaking in to do. And my pinky still has a mind of its own as to whether it wants to bend or straighten-out. :slight_smile:


My little finger locks too when im using it alot on root fifths or root octaves its a weird feeling i have to quickly unlock it before next note i need to play. Its uncomfortable but thankfully it doesnt hurt.


Well here’s mine. Life and an Easter trip got in the way but I’m posting! And learning! Everyone’s submissions are fantastic. I think I learn something from each one.

I left the mistakes on there, even after a bunch of takes I still found new places to get lost or distracted. It’s obvious, you’ll see my head shaking when I switch the open strings during the solo.

The other two are coming soon. But I may have to upgrade on Vimeo to post more than a vid a week. This one took 75% of my weekly bandwidth on the free sub.

Hondo P-Bass from the early 90’s(?) (replaced pots, stock p-ups)
Killer City Guitars Classic 105s Round wound nickles from
iPhone SE2020 HD 30fps
Roland Go Mixer Pro
Tech 21 Sans Amp Bass DI as a pre
Sony nothing headphones

Thanks again to @JT for kicking it all off. Like I said, learning a lot. Love it all. Cheers :beers:

(going to have to learn how to embed a vid better)


Hey @dave.kaina,
Very good job on your first cover, a couple small muck ups, the good thing is you already know where they were👍
Love the tone from the bass, the mix was good and the production was also good,
Keep up the good work,
Cheers Brian


Great job! Few stumbles, but 95% correct as far as I could tell. And you recognized the stumbles which is all part of learning. Love the tone. Love the mix. Looking forward to your next one.


Good job @dave.kaina! I like the tone of your bass.


Great job @dave.kaina!
Great tone out of that bass and Sans Amp.

To embed the vid diretly, pick the ‘picture’ icon, then choose ‘From the web’ and insert your link from Youtube/Vimeo that they give you as the direct link to the video.
This is the only way I have found to get them to embed correctly.

