Song 11 - "Yellow" by Coldplay

Absolutely great observation again, John! It seems so simple, but I had to work on that whole part a little bit to even get it as close as I have it.

It’s been a month or more since I’ve posted a 50 song cover!
Here’s Yellow. Let me know hat you think!

Yes, the bass is louder than normal, it’s for me to judge myself.


Nicely done @groaner! Your timing and transitions are right on the money.

Thank you! Feels good playing it.

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This is exactly why I love this forum, seeing people improve is the bomb, and you sir, @groaner are their man!

This was just great, I can even see confidence in your hands.

As @Barney always says, put in the time and it pays off (paraphrasing).


Thanks John! I can feel the improvement as well. Love it!

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Bass playing dancing takes a little longer. Great job @groaner


Been rocking out covers today! :star_struck:

50 Songs Challenge Song #11: Coldplay - Yellow

Original Bass removed by

Signal chain info:
Fender MIM Jazz Bass > Cali 76 Compressor > Fender Rumble 40 > Volt 276 > GarageBand.

Finished with iMovie.


Are you left or right handed? Last video you were the opposite.
Interesting choice of a pick here, I would think it makes it harder for not much added value but your technique is top notch.

Great job again!

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I’m right handed. I meant to flip the video in OBS but forgot and once I’m in iMovie, the flip would cause my banner text to be backwards so I just went with it. I think my Crazy cover (posting soon) is the same.

Thanks for checking it out!

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#11 done and moving on. The video edit is not good, but I try to learn that at the same time :slight_smile: Yellow bass cover - Bassbuzz 50 song challenge - YouTube


Solid cover Johnny. I disagree about the edit, I liked it. We learn by doing. You’re learning about adding transitions and adding a bit of colour to your videos. It’s all good man. We are all students here.


Thank you @Barney for your kind words, really appreciate it. I also did the transition thing on “With or without you” (not uploaded) as you suggested, and it looks much better. :slight_smile:


Very nice!

Yes, making these covers gives you a chance to learn some things in parallel to bass, mixing in a DAW, video editing, etc. all great stuff to know for sure.


Thank you @dlamson13 !

Great cover and excellent use of video effects…however when the video started I couldn’t help but notice the lady who had some really weird eyes…wonder if that’s an AI generated thing? Kinda spooked me for a second :sweat_smile:

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Thanks @cheeze_pizza , nice to hear. Yes, it’s really creepy. I play along with Bing Ai and try to make something related, not always it’s a success, especially eyes is hard to generate:-)


Well done @Johnnyb !!


Now that’s what I call Bass covers, Vol 6, track 13,


Great playing! Tone was really nice and full.

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