Song 28 - "Only Happy When it Rains" by Garbage

Cover #3 - Garbage - I’m Happy When it Rains (Song #28 on the 50 Songs Challenge)

Here we go! Finally time to let that H pickup shine! I went preamp off and isolated to the H pickup for this one. My timing isn’t perfect on this one either and I simplified a couple parts that were giving me trouble but overall I’m pretty happy with this take. The last note got noise gated a bit…I didn’t realize that filter was on. :sweat_smile:

The bass was fuzzed up with a Maelstrom Bass Drive pedal (which I hand built from an AionFX kit - it’s a Darkglass MicroTubes clone) and then ran into my Fender Rumble 40 with XLR Out to Scarlet 2i2 into Garageband. OBS monitors the Desktop Audio so it can get the bassless track plus my input.

Original Bass removed with - I only have one more free split, might have to find an alternative or pony up some cash…

Pedal Settings: Volume 55%, Drive 100%, Blend 65%, Tone 65%

Amp Settings: Gain at 25%, Contour Voicing, Bass at 75%, Low Mid at 50%, High Mid at 75%, and Treble at 75%.

This was a fun one to play with. I’ll have to work on my trouble spots so I can post a v2.0 in the future.