Song 4 - "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash

So, I’ve been doing a bit of research on this since I couldn’t sleep (not because of this). There are lots of different ways people are playing this. I mean… lots!

So, I’ve tested them all out and without changing what @JoshFossgreen has done too much, I think the simplest change that makes it sound better is instead of playing the C# that is the 4th Fret on the A string, play the C# that is an octave higher on the 6th fret on the G string. The rest of the tab is the same. So, the whole song is just on the D string and G string. Here is the tab that shows that, but it really is the same as Josh’s apart from playing that one note an octave higher.

The other change that makes it sound better is to tune down 1/4 step. The way I did that is to use this online tuner and get the needle halfway between the C# and D for the D string and halfway between the F# and G for the G string. So it looks like this:

qtr tuning

Here is the site I used to do the tuning. It will ask to access your microphone and you have to say Yes. You also need to have your bass connected to your computer (using a DAI for example) to do this. You could do it on other physical tuners, but it might be harder.

The third thing to do is to try to give it more of an upright sound by playing near the end of the fretboard, muting with foam, neck pickup only, rolling back tone, etc.

Here’s a quick snippet I made (I’ll do a full video later) of what these changes sound like: