Song 4 - "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash

Hi @doylecb good job for getting after this challenge. I’m a huge fan of recording yourself as a means of improvement. It’s been the best thing for my playing by far.

It sounds a little fast to my ear, but I think part of the reason it sounds fast isn’t because you’re rushing per se. But rather it might be note length. If you try holding onto the note just a fraction longer (for the full quarter note) before going to the next one it will appear to slow down.

I’ve linked a video below of a cover of the song. Ignore the fact that it’s a double bass but just listen to how the notes seem to be fractionally longer and it gives it a more laid back feel.

Keep plugging away, you’re amongst friends here.


Nice job @doylecb ! Keep up the good work!

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That’s some really great constructive criticism Barney thank you! I do think I have a tendency to play things a little bit more staccato than is always called for.


That will also come with time. Hundreds of hours of playing is going to give you the ability to hold the note for longer and then quickly shift to the next note. We all go through this exact learning curve. It’s not magic or talent, just time with bass in the hand.


7 months into my Bass Buzz experience. This is my 3rd adequate song I have completed. A long way from a quality sound but keeping up my practice, which is fine by me :slight_smile:


Post a video! Show us your progress!

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Here’s my next installment.
There are a few gaffs and blorps but hey, I’m learning!

I added a couple of my own walkups. Hope they fit well. Was fun to play, but OMG I think I added a few mm to my callouses.


Nice work @groaner !

A good effort @groaner but if I may point out a couple things. The tone fit the tune, see below thought on tuning.

So this “simple song” is a good place to start working diligently on timing. This is harder than it seems here because the song speeds up as it goes (kinda like the train that’s “a comin’” in the tune) so you really need to pay attention to the timing. I hear yours off quite a bit, and with bass timing is everything so I would focus here a bit. These are the tunes to work on these things so good habits form for the future. The blips and blops aren’t the concern. That’s apart of the process, it’s more nailing the groove.

Also, if you scroll up in the thread, this song was recorded about a 1/4 step off so you (tuned properly) will sound a bit out of tune. It’s always a good idea to scan the previous posts for tips on the songs from folks that have been there before. This got a lot of us!


Thanks John! I thought it sped up! I felt it! I thought it was in my head.

I identified this song as a good “chuggin” song to really get the tempo and timing right. It’s a good exercise song.

Thanks for the great feedback. And yes, checking prior posts, I’ll do that!


Turns out my recordings are off by a few milliseconds. I have to figure out how to adjust for that. I thought when I was playing this I sounded good. It’s the recording. (I’m sticking to that excuse!)

Once I figure it out I’ll post a new one. Working on Highway to Hell and it’s happening again.


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Could be interface latency? Common fix if so is to switch to Direct Monitoring.

This is also easy to fix in the DAW, just drag the bass track back by the difference.

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I’ll have to look up direct monitoring…

I’d do your second option, but I’m using OBS which records my audio and video at the same time. I’ll have to investigate how to record them separately if I can’t figure it out.


I don’t use OBS but hopefully it should allow you to detach the audio track and reposition.

How did you record this? In through an audio interface? Or via a mic? It could be too large of an audio buffer as well. And you will want to make sure you are using the ASIO audio driver.

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Yes, I’m using a Scarlett Solo. On which I am using Direct Monitoring.
It’s frustrating as it did not happen for the first 3 songs I recorded.

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I’m starting to investigate a different setup.
I’ll use Reaper to record the backing track and my Bass, and OCS to record my video at the same time.
I’ll then bring it all into Resolve to sync and put it all together. THEN I’ll post a new one here.



That’s how I would do it.

It does sound like you’re having interface latency issues. Since you’re already direct monitoring, the next things I would check:

  • Make sure you’re using the ASIO driver for audio, not WSAPI or something awful.
  • Make sure the sample buffer size is not too large - 128 or so should be fine.

OK, a new submission for this. Still not perfect and this is just a progress take. I am now using Reaper and Resolve. Purchased Amplitude 5 and using an “amp” that gives some decent reverb, just like the original!

Anyway, is it an improvement? Yes, i forgot to edit out my start marker, oops!


@groaner It sounds good to me.


Nice job @groaner!
Timing is much better.
Well done!!!