Song 40 - "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson

Thanks a bunch!!! @dlamson13 & @brik1970 :smiley:


Finally, a year and a half after completing B2B, I can play Billie Jean, although my goal is to be able to practice it 3-5 times through with no (or a lot less fatigue) in my fretting hand. I’m using a 21 inch scale bass, so the frets are closer together and thus a little easier to reach without cramping, but just happy to finally get this one down. Great finger and hand workout!! Delayed success is success nevertheless!


Here is my take on Billie Jean, not perfect, but it represents where I’m at. Guess I need another 10-15 years to keep the whole song with octaves. :slight_smile:


Really nice tone and good job!
I thought you held the grove very well throughout.

I don’t know where AI gets all these women, but I’d like to visit.

Great video editing as always @Johnnyb

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Thank you, @John_E. Hehe, you can try asking Gemini. :slight_smile: This song is really hard to play, and I think I’m going to keep practicing it. Maybe one day I’ll manage to play the whole song with octaves! Then, I promise to do another cover.

This is my first entry in the 50 songs challenge, hoping to add at least one per week from here on out. I played it from memory and had a few clams (the red light fever kicked in), but was happy with it overall!

Billie Jean Bass Cover


You’ve picked this one as your first? Whoa… color me impressed! It’s the last on my list :rofl: I’m too much if a noob to say something constructive, but I enjoyed watching and listening. Awesome!


Thank you! :smiley: I’d like to alternate between the easy and hard ones, but we’ll see what happens!

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Fantastic job. You made that look easy!

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Thank you!

Decided to take some revenge :stuck_out_tongue:

My stab at Song #40 - Billie Jean :slight_smile:


nice funk-a-long.
Overall very very good!
And you didn’t tire after time and stayed on tempo.
that was awesome.

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Oh the hand was screamin LOL … I have to get used to playin with the cam as I do without it… as soon as I hit ‘record’ fingers get stupid :stuck_out_tongue:



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