Song 41 - "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" by Queen

Great song, this is one I would hear many times over on the WRIF growing up. I guess I wasn’t clued into the fact that it was a Queen song! It’s fun to play… I love all the sliding around the fretboard!

No sheet music :white_check_mark:
No chair :white_check_mark:
Bad dancing during the acapella verse :white_check_mark:


Very good @cheeze_pizza ! Don’t think I ever manage the acapella unless you start a B2BD course.:joy::joy:


Thanks man! Don’t hold your breath on the dancing course! :rofl:


Why not? Looks like it would be a quick one! :man_dancing::guitar:



OK, I know that 40 is the number after 39, but since I have been to dance school this crazy little thing came first. :slight_smile:


Nice playing as always. The tab below is not tracking properly FYI.

Tone very good on this as well, mix great!

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Thank you @John_E I will try to fix the sync of the tab.:+1:

I’m struggling to get the fast four note run under control. I’m happy playing the rest of the song at full tempo but my left hand fingers just won’t move fast enough. Any tips?

Are you guys barring the 7th fret?

Let it lie for a while, come back to it in a couple weeks.
You would be suprised what your brain and body discuss when you’re not watching, lol.

The other technique is slow it down until you can play it perfectly, then inch up 2bpm at a time and only inch when you can play it perfectly every time.