Song 42 - "I Put a Spell on You" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Song: I Put a Spell on You
Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Tuning: Standard (EADG)

Spotify Link


Oh man did I struggle with this one. It still needs some work, but I’m happy with it for now. In particular, the fast parts with the swung 16th notes. I spent a lot of time on the metronome, which helped a lot, but I never got them perfectly clean and in time. I went back and forth between using a pick and fingers, but ultimately thought it sounded best fingerstyle. At this point I’m just happy all the notes can be heard.

Overall I enjoyed learning this song, it has some terrific guitar work, an interesting chord progression and time signature. Another song I learned a lot from. Thanks for listening!


I think your playing on this is brilliant!
Great job @dlamson13

The only thing I didn’t dig was the bass tone, sounded muffled and unclear to me.

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Thanks so much @John_E! You know the parts I was concerned about are those really quick passages during the loud parts. Even though they sounded rough in isolation, in the mix it works fine. Its a good thing for us bassists to remember, no one is listening to our isolated tracks thankfully.

Me too, especially when I played it in my car :open_mouth: Tone sounded “just okay” to me on my monitor headphones, but I didn’t want to rerecord it because I didn’t think I’d get a better take.
Thanks for the feedback, it’s always appreciated! A neat thing about doing these covers is all things you learn about recording and mixing in the process.

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Dang! That song really put a spell on me… :sweat_smile: Excellent work there man.

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Thanks a lot @cheeze_pizza! You lit a fire under me to get one “50 Songer” done before the end of the month. :slight_smile:


Man those 16th notes are troublesome! Had an issue converting this video from mkv to mp4 and ended up using Handbrake instead of VLC. Timing/sync is a bit sloppy in places but here we go!

Used the JMJ Bass on this one, Tone rolled down to 50%. Cali76 Comp pedal + Darkglass head as usual.


Very well done.
A bit off beat on the tricky notes first time through but let’s call it improv, lol.
Honestly, you did great here.
Nice tone.

And you have been holding out unless I missed it, you need a pic of that bass wall behind you in the Show Us Your Basses (2) thread!

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Thanks John! Those triads are tough buggers! Lots of hammer-ons were involved here.

As for the basses on the wall, nothing new there. Here’s a different angle.

Flea Bass, Fretless, and JINO. The Jino really tends to look different in various lighting.

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Sweet pic. Love the black background.

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Not sure how this turned out and guess I have to redo it one day. But fun to record some songs over water in the Maldives:-)

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Another winner @Johnnyb !

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