Song 7 - "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals

You one very funny fella @Barney!
Great job!
Even though this one is a bit of a torture test, I still say @JoshFossgreen is brilliant for the songs he picked for this collection. Each one teaches/reinforces something a bit different. For this one, I think it is reading rhythms. The 4 vs 3 quarter notes next to each other in the song make you stay on your toes and think about changing rhythms back and forth.
So, I think it is in fact a valuable carrot to eat.
I just wish it was a 2:00 carrot vs. a 4:00 one.


Hi @BigAl , the bass in the cover, is that a Maruszczyk?

No, that’s bass was made by luither Cliff Bordwell from Cb basses. He makes hand made custom basses. AT Reasonable prices for hand crafted bass.

It’s called a S bass it’s 30" short scale. My next 30"short custom is probably going to be done by liither Steve Mcdonald an AC 30.


Turns out this is MY equivelant too.
Man I really dislike this song.
I am finally taking my medicine tonight and learning it, hope to record it this weekend and get the whole ordeal behind me.

This tune is a lot more difficult than the others, at least for me.
And with only 3 submisions so far, I guess others feel that way too.
At least I was able to bang out the next one in one sitting, so have some breathing room.


I’m working on this song, but I actually like it. Seem to be the minority. :slightly_smiling_face:

I remember growing up with my dad playing music like this on the stereo so am quite familiar with the song. It’s got some tricky parts though.

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You have to love Eric Burden, Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood one of my favs both his version and the Santa Esmeralda version!

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Spill my wine , with war. Eric Burden.:+1::+1:


Ahead of my weekend plan, phew.
Once under fingers, this wasn’t so bad after all, just still not a fan.
Few blunders here and there but its in the can, time to move on.
And no I didn’t stand, I could barely sit through it :rofl:

With #8 already done I can happily move to #9, and if I do my gosintas correctly, is My Girl, and Motown is definately more up my alley.

Haven’t used this bass in a cover yet…
ESP LTD RB-1004 (Rocco Prestia designed) Active Aguilar P/J pickups 50/50, bass and trebble boosted a bit.


Nice one as usual John. BTW, your body says you ARE a fan. :wink:

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I watched until the end hoping for a reaction to camera and wasn’t disappointed :grinning: Nice job on the homework.


Sounds great! @John_E

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Here’s mine. I really struggled with this song for some reason. I probably did 20 recordings of it and couldn’t get a 90% OK version. This one isn’t too bad though and it’s time to move on.

BTW, I know there was some buzzing on the A string. I just changed strings and that clearly needs some adjustment.

And yes, I had to read the music most of the time I was playing. :slight_smile:

And I probably should have tidied up first. :upside_down_face:


@JT I had all the same issues with this one.
I think because I really don’t like the song, could not committ the remaining precious braincells to the task. I had to use sheetmusic, did it sitting vs. standing, wasn’t perfect, took me the most takes ever.

I think you did a really good job! Great deep nice tone too!


Nice relaxed playing John @John_E ,
Cheers Brian


Well done @JT ,
Yes there was a lot of fret buzz, but like you say it’s time to move on👍, it’s just practice, practice and more practice,
Cheers Brian


I actually always liked this song, the over the top theatrics amuse me… but playing it isn’t fun, it’s kind of weird, and after the organ solo kicks in I feel rush, I don’t hear the bass in the OG… anyways listened to it enough to not like it anymore
In the spirit of keeping the challenge Here’s my effort :man_shrugging:t4:


Hey @Reo nice job man!
Some timing bits on the tricky parts as you know, but those are tricky parts indeed.
I thought this song was quite a challenge.
Well done


Good job @Reo ! Sounds really nice and thumpy through that amp. It is a harder song than people think. The fast parts are tricky!


Nice job @Reo ,
nice tone from the ray, couple minor timing things but all in all good job,
keep up the good work,
Cheers Brian


To everyone who has performed House of the Rising Sun, I commend you for your effort. there are no bad performances. The only way to do a bad performance is to not do it at all.
Sorry I don’t comment on each one individually, but just know you have my full support for your efforts.