
So today I went to my cousins, and hes long time bass player. And I was like little bit braggy ordered Mustang etc.
And he was like, wait here I wanna show you something. So he pulled out this big case put it in front of me and said check it out. I was like, ooo this must me something special. I opened it and in there stood light brown natural Sterling Stingray. It was my first time seeing Stingray in person, and I fell in love with it on the first sight. And when I started playing, oh man its incredible. Then he told me he bought it recenty in USA for like 350$. I mean its cheap af.

Now can anyone explain me order of Stingray basses by price/quality? I thought those SUBs made in indonesia are cheapest.

P.S. Both Mustangs and Stingrays are basically nonexistent in my region.


Music Man > Sterling > S.U.B. (from highest to lowest)

Paging @T_dub for further input.




Literally everyone was thinking this :slight_smile:


Give @T_dub a message, he will be able to tell you everything about stingrays,
Cheers Brian


First, there is only Sterling Sub Series bass and that is the Ray4.
The Ray24 is not a SUB, neither is the Ray34.
They go in this order

Ray34. not it gets tricky.
Tehre are different finishes that cause different price taga, and if it is an H or HH will also effect price.
They range between $699 and $899, so even there are different features, paints and other miner details, they are all the same basic bass, and you will pay more jump 4 to 5 string
jump 4 to 4hh. /. Jumping from 5 to 5hh
the Nautaal Ash (beautiful light bass is low end, $699
The Black Ash with the clear pickguard, kind of a dream bass for me, is at the top os the list for $899, although some place may have tried to get $999.99 from them, but expect $899
The Nice burst paing with clear pickguard, they start for $799, but to get HH it is almost $999, like maybe %969

HTH, let me nkow if you require any additional assistance.


Thanks for answering the request Toby, @T_dub,
I’m happy with my MMHH,
Cheers Brian


So wait, all these crazy prices.
Now Im wondering how he succeded to get Sterling, not Sub, for 350-ish brand new at some shop?

Where the heck it stands?


It’s probably a Ray24


Yep. Sounds like a Ray24. They start under $400.


Also the SUB’s don’t have the big SUB logo anymore as far as I can tell. They just have Sterling on the headstock

Sterling by Music Man SUB RAY4 H in Vintage Sunburst Satin - Andertons Music Co.


That’s a good move on their part. It’s still a Sterling bass. The SUB is essentially MM/Sterling’s version of the Squier Affinity, and those say affinity in smaller letters.


I agree. Sales of the sub Stingray can only increase. For anyone who cares about such things the old large SUB logo was possibly the ugliest thing to ever grace a headstock (even more than the Ibanez Sound Gear logo)


There’s a Sterling Ray 34 in a limited edition Silverburst color (only made 500 back in 2010) on Facebook near me in Atlanta for only $400 (was $500 last week) AND it comes with an Acoustic B200 amp. I don’t think the owner realizes that it’s a limited edition color. The only one I found on Reverb is $695 (listed as good condition). If I hadn’t just bought 2 basses in 3 weeks I’d be all over it (am tempted to send him an offer anyway but I don’t think the wife would be happy with me). Here’s a pic from Facebook. You can see at the top of the headstock that there’s a little scratch in the black paint but otherwise it looks good:


Those strings would have to go :rofl:


it goes without saying that i love this.


I’m new to the community so I’m not sure what you ( @itsratso ) mean by that. Are you a Stingray fan? Is it the color of the bass (or the strings), the price?

And I forgot to mention, thank you to @T_dub for breaking all those different models down. And correct me if I’m wrong, but Sterling By Music Man is a brand (overseas makes of Ernie Ball Music Man basses), but there is ALSO a model of bass called the Sterling (i.e., Ernie Ball Music Man Sterling as opposed to Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray or Bongo). That being said, I don’t think there is a Sterling By Music Man Sterling (at least not currently). The current Sterling By Music Man website only lists Stingrays. So if you want a non-Stingray (i.e., Bongo or Sterling), those are only made by Ernie Ball Music Man. Did I pass the test?


hah, hi loco! yep, i’m a giant music man guy. i own a short scale stingray and a bongo. i’m going to some day add a full size stingray, just waiting for the perfect one to come along. music man is legendary for having the most confusing names in the world. this might help:


Actually I kind of love the splash of color there :slight_smile:


As a proud owner of a Soundgear, it’s pretty ugly and we could debate that