This is the only forum I’ve ever had any extended time in. Mostly Because other forums and social media can devolve so rapidly and horribly-it only takes a few of these to really get put off by it.
The magic of this forum is the people-I’ve never been more accepted, been taught more or been treated better than by the people here. I’m quite sure that this relates directly to the structure developed by @JoshFossgreen and @Gio . however, that being said it seems to also heavily rely on the kindness, consideration and willingness to teach shown by so many here.
This was either the greatest single forum plan ever put together, or an example of extremely lucky organic growth. Either way, I’m honored to be a part of it.
My 3 and 5 year old granddaughters really like bassbot, so his birthday is clearly my choice👍
I blame @JoshFossgreen, @Gio and the long time forum members that were here when I got here who set the stage for a great place. Folks like @PamPurrs et al (you know who you are, too many to name) set a tone that I think all of us continue to carry on.
Technically, it was in a superposition of states until someone made a measurement and the forum’s wave function “collapsed”. The fact that two independent observers did measure two different dates seriously throws a wrench into what we think we know about quantum mechanics - it seems the universe split and yet stayed connected…
Like others before me, in addition to @JoshFossgreen I must give huge credit to @Gio for the tone and help he provides us. Two teachers! One forum! Just amazing.
Plus the banter between you two is a gift all in itself.
Hahaha thank you all for your amazing and scientifically significant contributions. Let’s say:
April 2nd 2023 will be the official 5th birthday for the forum (given that as @sfadams pointed out we were not born yesterday, sorry @JustTim )
Oct 18th will henceforth be known as BassBot’s birthday, and we will shower him/it with nonsense and magic 8 ball questions.
I guess we should be celebrating Noob Josh’s birthday too? Although like Maggie Simpson and the little girl in A Beautiful Mind, he may never age… Technically his first appearance ever was this sorta “beta” version in the Idiot Proof Chords video, before he acquired his signature outfit. That vid came out… Nov 29 2019, shucks we just missed it, sorry Noob Josh! There’s always next year.