I really just wanted to start this thread to thank all of you for being part of this community. I’ve never been part of a forum community as an adult (I was all over the Alleria RPG board at age 14 though lol, anyone else?), because they’re often simmering with overly strong opinions, snarkiness, and hostility…
So I never stop being blown away how NOT like that this forum feels, and I really appreciate every one of you for making it the way that it is. I love how you all show up for each other not just with bass support, but when people have hard things come up in their real lives.
You’re all model humans and I’m grateful to be a part of this crew!
Oh and since the actual ‘start date’ of the forum is a little blurry, I think we all need to decide on an official anniversary. How’sabout we all throw out arbitrary dates with passionate sales pitches, and then I can start a poll thread?
I’ll pitch October 18, because as it’s the date the scales video launched, it’s technically BassBot’s birthday.
Thanks for creating a great place for all of us to bond over our love of music and bass guitars! You’re an excellent teacher and we really appreciate all the videos you put up on YouTube for us. That takes a lot of work and expense.
Congratulations and thank you for such a great forum. This is the only social media site that I subscribe to because of all the really great people here and the wealth of knowledge that the community brings to the table.
Congrats @JoshFossgreen - this is a community that you built. It’s really the only forum I visit, and certainly the only one I visit on a (mostly) daily basis… Congrats to you and @Gio… It’s a great place. And I like @kristine 's idea - April 2nd, if that’s the day you first logged in…
Just chiming in to agree that this forum is a great and supportive place, and that’s because @JoshFossgreen and @Gio set the tone to make it that way. Josh’s warm and supportive spirit shine through in all his videos and the whole B2B course, and Gio’s posts here keep that spirit going. Thanks! And thanks to everyone for your contributions to keep it that way.
Congratulations Josh @JoshFossgreen ,
For me it’s just a great group of people who are inspired by our leader who is funny, wants to help and guide us all to be the best we can be, and has provided a platform for us to connect with likeminded people in every corner of the world.
Everyone encourages everyone to improve and be better bad asses, thanks for building a great community, that I love being a part of,
Cheers Brian
I just had my 4-year bassiversary on Dec 1 (i.e., 4 years since I got my first bass ever), and I joined BassBuzz a few days after that purchase. I don’t remember who was around or what was going on, but the forum had certainly already existed for a few month before Dec 1, 2018.
So, yes, @JoshFossgreen’s first log-in should be considered the start date! (We can still commemorate BassBot’s birthday with a drop of oil or two on Oct 18 )
PS: oh, and about this place - absolutely one of the very best forums for anything bass (and the great people in here), and I can’t seem to let go of it Thx!!
A user called @adminforum “joined” on Feb 14th, 2018, and a certain @Chris followed on Feb 26th. This proves that the forum already existed well before @JoshFossgreen joined. Obviously, before that, the forum was without form and void… So, as far as I’m concerned, Apr 2nd is the real birth date of the forum.
Using the search function, I could find only one thread that was created before Josh joined. It was started by @lee_editorial, and it is most likely the very first thread created on this forum:
In a linked thread, @lee_editorial commented that they were the first one to post on the forums: