The BassBuzz 2 Week SLAP Challenge

Funky stanky goodness man!
Great job @dlamson13

I like both the pops and slaps better. A bit more ringing on each slap too from the frets.

That said, you could be that famous guy who slaps fretless and be a thing all by itself.


I can’t wait to be able to attack this challenge.
Hand is meh, sax is easier, bass hurts quicker. I thinks another round of “doc, I think you got this all wrong is coming up”.


I noticed this too, but I just ended up playing to a metronome for the first week.


I feel the exact same. Of my five favorite bands only one slaps. But when he slaps he SLAPS and I have the hardest time figuring it out with tech and timing. But this exercise has really helped understand a lot of that. So hopefully I’ll be able to do a covers with more slap in them now.


Thanks John!

That is so frustrating, I’m sure. Can’t wait until you’re back in action bringing that funk. The thread will still be here.

Yeah, and I really have to slap the crap out of the fretless to get the notes to ring out as much as they did.

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Nice, looking forward to that! I started looking at Michael Jackson’s “Get on the Floor” which used to baffle me even when I’d stare at the tabs, but it makes more sense now after this.


Here is my after. Wish I had more time this week to dial it in better.


Another unforeseen benefit of this challenge is that it motivated me to patch the hole in my wall and install a door stop. Seriously, what a powerful exercise!


Excellent! Love the bright sounds on your bass and slapping a fiver to boot! Great work.

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Before you know it you’ll be building a bass shed!!! Great work on the challenge dude!


Hi, I think everyone who finished did a great job. Super progress on everyone. I have to honestly admit that “life” has taken up a bit of my time the past week and I haven’t been able to play as much as I would like, but I’m finished, so I can post a video. :slight_smile: By the way, is there a live event today and is it for everyone?


Hey everyone,

I wholeheartedly agree with @Johnnyb that “everyone who finished did a great job. Super progress on everyone.”

For me, I’m fully aware that playing this without the backing track is a mini-cheat - and my rhythm and muting and technique… there’s a lot to be done. At the same time, like I wrote above in my video post, I’m pleasantly surprised by the progress I made. And, it feels like an improvement to be able to hear and feel the mistakes and still have fun and the drive to improve further.

Coming up, I’ll play a Christmas gig in December and need to focus on that. After slapping for two weeks, finger style feels odd. :joy: But I will never go back to “before the slap challenge of 2023.”

Thanks @JoshFossgreen!

Cheers everyone,


Good job on the patch and door stop. You get +1 on your DIY card. :+1:

I almost didn’t record my progress today because I fixed the storm shutters and have dried PU foam all over my fingers. Still, I feel like my room is quieter and less draughty. :smiley:


It’s for everyone. Next one is the 19th

Follow this thread for details (and see first post)….


Thanks to everyone that participated in this! Sorry for the late reply. Custom badges have been awarded to everyone who posted videos. :slight_smile:

I’d love to run more challenges like this in the future! Will aim to give y’all more heads up, and maybe 30 days instead of 2 weeks, since we’re all busy adults.


I think challenges with custom badges are a great way to continue bassbuzz education. It’s fun and rewarding.


It was awesome to be part of this one, felt like you are starting something. And it got me started into making videos and using recordings to learn!

Keep on EV-trucking ;), or whatever you do out there in the west,
Antonio :hugs:


In case anyone missed it who was following this thread, the finished video is out, with Paul and Dan’s before and after vids!


Hey Josh, unofrtunately missed the challenge while it lasted and picked it up when you released a video. But now I am missing a souncloud track, it says not found. Has it been removed?


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Wow, that was fast! Thanks Josh!