Thanks! It was fun!
Yep! Or whatever levels one decided to work on.
Everyone get your final vids in in the next day or hold your peace!
I’ve been positioning my arms completely wrong, I’ll have to give her technique a try
Here’s my final video!
Loved the challenge. It was a great way to keep me present while I played and I really enjoyed seeing the progress!
Great work, everyone! Absolutely loving watching everybody’s submissions
Love it, congrats on defeating the final boss
Well done, big improvement, and turned lefty in the process
Thanks everyone for participating! I’ve manually awarded badges to everyone who participated - if I missed you, let me know please.
To anyone reading in the future - you can still try this challenge for kicks, but the time for badges has passed.
Thanks everyone for your feedback, it’s helpful for me to hear what worked AND what didn’t work about the exercises.
Consider yourselves lucky it wasn’t one of these exercises lol, young Josh was a sadist -
@Wes Thank you for your comment, I was watching this and thinking about how much work I have to do but now that I see her biceps doubled in size between clips I’m going to just lift some weights instead of practicing.
It took a couple views before it clicked. Guess that means it was well done, or I need to get more sleep
Not sure if he ever stopped being a sadist. Do you think it’s possible not to do this for the next 14 days now?