The Earring & me

As some of you may know, legendary Dutch rock band Golden Earring (known internationally for their 1973 hit Radar Love) had to stop their activities very suddenly when their guitar player, George Kooymans, was diagnosed with ALS. Because of this, they never got to do a farewell tour or concert.

At some point in 2022 or 2023, some people decided to try and organize a fan tribute concert, where 1,000 musicians would play some of their hits. Whoever wanted to participate had to send in a video of themselves playing Radar Love. They were looking for singers, drummers, guitar and, of course, bass players.

When I learned this, I basically thought “why not”, and decided to audition. I spent some time learning how to play Radar Love, but then forgot about it for a while. When I eventually checked what the deadline for the video submissions was, it was actually that very day: May 24th, 2023. So I spent a couple of hours feverishly practicing the song, recording it, recording a video, mixing everything together and uploading the video to the website. I wasn’t really satisfied with the result, but I had run out of time. Of course, later the deadline was extended, but I couldn’t be bothered to record everything again. And so the waiting began…

About one month later, I received an email saying that I had been selected! I don’t know if they thought I was good enough, or if I just sucked less than some of the other submissions, but either way, I was in! One of my proudest moments as an aspiring bass player so far!

Originally, the concert was supposed to take place in October 2023, but for whatever reason, it was postponed to Q1 2024, and then again to “after the summer vacations” in 2024. To be honest, I kinda lost my faith at some point and thought that the whole thing would eventually get cancelled. However! Recently, things started moving again, and now there’s an actual date: September 30th, 2024.

The concert will be hosted at Rotterdam Ahoy. According to the organization website, there will be about 75 drummers, 200 brass instrument players, 400 singers and 200 guitar and bass players. All musicians will be on the floor, and the audience will be seated around it. I expect/hope it will be a Rockin’1000-like experience. For each ticket sold, € 5 is donated to the Stichting ALS Nederland (Dutch - “ALS Foundation Netherlands”), a non-profit organization that funds scientific research into the causes of and possible treatments for ALS.

The plan is to play four Golden Earring songs:

  • Back Home
  • Twilight Zone
  • Radar Love
  • Buddy Joe

Of course, I have already started practicing. In the meantime, there will be three regional rehearsals, one of which I’m going to attend (June 30th), and then there will be a final rehearsal on the day of the concert itself. I can’t wait!

By the way, this is the organization website. Unfortunately, it’s in Dutch only, but if you’re interested, you might be able to use an online translator to read it:


Heel erg cool!
Ik ga proberen, tijd vrij te maken - je hebt dan je eigen “@MikeNL” fan club, front row!!!


Haha, cool, thanks! That will make four of you then: my wife and two kids plus you :smiling_face: @MikeC probably won’t be there though :wink:


+my girlfriend. She really wants to see at least one of those other crazy BassBuzzers!

EDIT Corrected @MikeC to @Mike_NL :slight_smile:

PS I am playing a lot of “Doe Maar” lately, the “other” Dutch band - which is not known outside of Holland, unfortunately.

Kind of makes me go back to Holland - 100% nostalgia…


Henny Vrienten was such a great bass player. Too bad he’s not with us anymore.


Yes, I just learned that yesterday, actually.

He lived in Nijmegen when I studied there, at least he tended to visit the same parties and bars that I did.
Didn’t like him at that time, as he was hitting on the same girls as I did - and I always lost to him, except one time…

But now, after all those years, I was kind of sad the hear he has departed - we had so much in common. Not only the girls, but also the love of bass…

I wish I had talked to him then. He was always alone in some corner, checking out the girls. Looked kind of lonely and maybe even sad…
I couldn’t overcome my stupid dislike … and now I really regret that!


wild, this is just amazing. Congrats and well done!


Woooow - goosebump event!!!

And, hopefully, you also started…
… picking the right bass (might have to get a new one, just for the occasion)
… picking your stage dress (i.e., how to stand out amongst hundreds of bass players)
… working on your show (bass face, choreography, etc.)


Wow! That’s so cool. Congrats @Mike_NL


I was going to suggest wearing that awful orange suit to stand out but then I remembered, it’s in Holland :wink:


Huge congrats, man! It sounds like an epic event.

I realize my name was included as a typo, but regardless I would love to be able to be there to cheer you on. Have tons of fun! :+1:


Rotterdam is a GREAT city to visit and very much underappreciated by tourists! Also it’s not far from the beach.

So - except being able to tell our grand children that we were there when @Mike_NL became rich and famous - there are quite a few reasons to visit Holland!


That is possibly the only thing that has been decided already: it’s going to be my Squier Classic Vibe 60s Jazz bass, which is by far my favorite. For the rehearsals, we were asked to bring a combo if we have one, with a 1 x 12" maximum speaker size. This is what I got my “new” Ampeg BA-110 for.

I actually thought about that for maybe three seconds before dismissing that idea :grin: Orange is the Dutch national color, and it’s suitably BassBuzzy, but I’d prefer to be wearing something a little more comfortable. Now if @JoshFossgreen had only released those BassBuzz t-shirts already… :thinking:


This is such a cool story, well done!!!

This will be one of life’s experiences that you’ll remember for ever!



That’s pretty cool.
Radar Love is on my group’s set list and one I love to play, seems simple but has a great rhythm and the into and bridge are fun and dramatic.
Good on you.
I hope to see 75 drummers jumping into the arms of 75 singers


Goed gedaan man! Een hele eer ! De band uit mijn geboortestad :blush: ( sorry this will be the last time I , ll post something in dutch)


That’s very cool. I like Golden Earing.

My short Golden Earing story. I saw them perform back in 78. They were one of the first bands I saw with two drummers and left quite an impression. Unfortunately, Aerosmith after them played way too loud and left my ears ringing, which has never ceased. So Golden Earing was my last band with hearing intact.

ALS is a brutal disease. Don’t have the words to express my feelings.


That is so cool. Congratulations!

The opening riff to Radar Love was the first thing I “played” on first shiny new bass. I hadn’t even begun the B2B lessons yet, so it was played poorly with two fingers, on on each hand, with the bass laying on my bed. :flushed::rofl:


Mike! Dude! That’s awesome! Congratulations!

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Oh, that will be sooooo cool. Earring are one of my favourite bands, I’ve seen them live 27 times! Rinus was one of the main inspirations for wanting to learn to play the bass. I may need to see if I can get tickets to this…