The Reaper Thread

Na, I get what he’s talking about. Still - I couldn’t bust out something like that in two minutes. It took me 10 minutes at least to get something I liked on the minor scale improv and I think that’s much simpler. Then I liked it so much I actually recorded it…
So if anyone is interested (just… just ignore the note I’m missing ok?)


I like that!
How did you get that phat sound in the low bass line under the melody?

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Sorry for not being more helpful, but errr… found a pickup/amp setting I liked, used my mic and hit record.

It really wasn’t an elaborate setup. It’s the mic I use for voice usually, but It’s a condenser mic at least. Just not really meant for bass. (Yeti Blue USB - had I known at the time what I would be doing now I would’ve opted for the XLR version)


There will be less improvement if I’m not hard on myself. :wink:
Having said that, there will be no improvement if I am too hard on myself, because I’d just quit. I’m not unhappy with this, seeing as to how I just cranked it out in one go without planning or writing out anything.

It’s a testament to @JoshFossgreen’s B2B course that I am capable of just shaking this out now. Four weeks ago, I couldn’t have done this, I’m sure of that. Josh has made me pay attention to many things I would’ve done wrong then.


@juli0r @peterhuppertz hey guys your doing it though. I’m on module 5 and knowing that with Josh I might be doing this before the end of the course is pure inspiration to me. And your sharing your progress, this is a massive help to me. :heart_eyes: :guitar: :guitar:


… wow, I had never looked at it this way. That means a lot!


That’s nice. My improv was actually a lesson I just decided to use the playalong track and sink into my world a bit as Josh suggested.

It’s Module 8 Lesson 3 and also recorded immediately after the lesson. So no getting better afterwards and recording then.

And now I think I know what underlying bass line you are talking about @peterhuppertz and I’m afraid you have to ask Josh for that - It’s literally the playalong from the lesson so not my work.


Ah, okay… I’m not there yet, so that probably explains my question! :wink:

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Seems I have to much time on my hands. My daily life consists of:

  • next lesson
  • writing my song
  • gaming
    So I started 11 days ago and just finished Module 11 - Lesson 2 today.
    Yes. It’s more than the hardcore schedule, but I’m soaking up knowledge and training like a sponge.

It’s addictive, isn’t it? :blush:


Yes, very much so.

I rushed through the first part because most of that was still present from my guitar days. I plan on revisiting the course once I finished, but still think as long as I am still able to process the lessons I should just continue and then go back once I’m through. Also I can’t wait to learn slapping.

That being said - tomorrow starts my work week of full 2 1/2 days. I’ll have less time then and also I should go to sleep.


Well done on the recordings, glad it’s working out for you!


Nice @peterhuppertz! Congrats on the gear, the recording, and getting it all to cooperate! And - nice jam!


Nice work, and it’s not missing a note it improv, play it with gaps or fill it out.
It sounded fine


works pretty well. nice playing too !


Very promising! Why didn’t you play that on your fretless? Less fret buzz, for sure :grin:


Well if it had been actually improv, but I was trying to repeat the melody (just with a different ending in bar 4)
I hear the one time I didn’t fret cleanly and thus miss the note and it causes me to whince every time I hear it.


Yes… I have the same thing with the string buzz. Gonna have to redo it. While I’m at it, I might change the arrangement of this song cuz it sucks eggs, and I’m gonna throw in a few strategic key changes to make it less boring.

Plus I might actually write a bass line rather than make it up as I go along. :wink:

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That’s cheating. :wink:

But I might give it a shot, to see if it works.


I just fornicated around a little on the fretless over that theme, and I think it’ll make it more bass-centric – the fretless has more articulation… more of a voice, if you will.
So not sure if it will work out. But I’ll try.