la laa la can’t hear you
Ooh shipping would be steep
However if I do I will. I kind of doubt it (I mean I love the BB too) but is a primo SBV J2 came up I would be tempted
That is precisely the kind of burst I cannot stand
mmm free cheese
That would be any burst…
Screw the burst. That’s the absolute least of this monstrosity’s problems. What the fuck is that?!
Players that dig bursts have ‘em.
Those who don’t dig ‘em?
A 1970’s Melobar Rosac Slide Lap Steel 10-String - Sunburst
Oh I didn’t notice the rest. I mean… that’s one bad burst
Just looking at the amazing Japanese stores Howard has linked in his great guide to buying from Japan and came across this:
Seriously, what?
It’s the Zo! It’s a classic.
Zo in Japanese means elephant. These are styled to look like one; the LED is the eye and the headstock is the trunk. These things are actually adorable in person. @John_E owns one
OK, now, after your explanation, it does look quite a bit cuter than the first impression
I was gonna say you had stumbled into Howard’s wheelhouse…but too late. Watch your step, there are some weird things in there.
100%. Stand back, I’m from Portland
House of Misshaped Toys.
They are beautiful
No doubt