I just had to laugh at myself. I didn’t understand what you meant by the “shopping center” comment. I thought of something completely different. Goes to show English is not my first language anymore. The figure of the picture nails it 100%.
i like it. of course i do
I love it
I’d love to have it and show it off. I just wouldn’t want it to be my only bass for practical reasons.
I actually like it. I would add striped aluminum guard around it just like the vintage formica kitchen tables… and the formica of the table on the picture.
that seriously needs to be in a wes anderson film
I too love the Keith Haring bass up above
You can absolutely have it! It costs about $6K.
I think Elroy Jetson plays one of those. In the future, of course.
I don’t think I can quite describe how much I hate what they did there, taking Organ Switches and making them look like bad malformed teeth like that.
That bass is from the 60s, by one Italian builder. Aluminum neck and some other innovative elements.
Just about as much as the table with the chairs.
So an Organ Donor was involved.