Wow, indeed. That’s awful.
I absolutely love those ESP/Edwards, I’ve seen a few in person - totally awesome. Strong Billy-Bo vibes.
Feels like just yesterday I was posting a 2 headed monster. Fortunately this one is better executed.
Love it. I get a definite Jetsons vibe.
“Please make note that this bass is really long and is a hefty boy”
If you cut off one neck, do 3 more grow back?
I saw them with you and loved them too! Lol
Ahh yeah thats right!
that guy needs a really big beer bottle to open
Careful where ye pluck, me boy!
Careful where ye don’t
This is the result of a one night stand between an amoeba and a 2x4.
Musta been a menage, because there are definitely some bass genes in there somewhere.
I don’t understand anything about that. If you wanted to see the fret board better why not angle the neck too? Otherwise I’d want the body going the opposite way so I don’t have to curve my wrist as weirdly.
Also wouldn’t have been easier to just leave more meat at an angle on the back of the guitar?
Wow that’s too much analysis, I’ll stick to my original comment, “It looks like a deflated blob.”