This wild temperature swing is horrible 30 degrees throughout the day

87*-56* yesterday. I can hear the necks creaking when I walk into the shed, lol.

This is a jacket in the morning and shorts and tanks in the afternoon. Not fun for basses. Is this normal on the East coast?


When I lived in New England that was normal. Here in the PNW it swings between the 30s and 60s right now. We call it winter. Seems to have come early this year.


The recent cold front brought Texas a bigger swing than yours, @Al1885. We went from 90+ to 30-something.


Oh man!

This reminds me of a festival gig I did once with the Americana band!
I was playing upright, and it was in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
It was freezing and snowing out.
To try and keep the musicians on the outdoor stages comfortable, there were heaters blowing up on us from where the monitors were positioned.
It was insane.
20-30 degrees on the stage, but then 65-70 in front of the heaters.
Everyone’s instruments were going nuts.
The banjo was the worst.

I played that whole gig with big cozy gloves on.
The only benefit of playing only roots and fifths on a thumpy upright - didn’t matter that I was in gloves.


I’ve lived in FL for most of my life. It’s normal and you get used to it. Had a couple days last year that went from low 30s in the morning to high 80s. It’s hell getting the kids dressed, though. Mine are young so layering just gives them more opportunities to lose stuff.

Also hell on allergies.


definitely normal and definitely makes me sick a couple of times every year when the temperatures change dramatically.


lol. Meanwhile in Canada :canada:

Toughen up you Southern softies :wink:



Y’all can keep the snow.

I’ve only seen snow a handful of times in my life, and that’s way more than enough for me.


It’s simply the best season :sunglasses:


I can sure see how it can be for the acclimated. Looks like great fun.

It’s just too damn bone-chilling for my Mediterranean blood. :cold_face:


Coming from the north, people take immense pride in tolerating the harsh winter winter weather. And I get that.

What I don’t get is here in Washington. When it rains the sane person will grab an umbrella or raincoat.

Here you put on a hoodie. You go to football game, and sit in the bleachers, everyone in their soggy hoodies getting rained on. If you pull out an umbrella, people give you these looks.

Rain is a fact of life up here. 300 days a year. People ignore it.


Here in Washington D.C. if the forecast says 30% chance of flurries, the grocery stores are wiped clean, and Home Depot runs out of shovels.


We were 82 to 29!
Back up to the 60s next week.
You have enough basses to adjust truss rods by months/weather conditions and keep them ready for any fluxuations - a bass for all seasons/micro-seasons - lololol


50*+ swing is crazy. There’s no secret we, socal people are so spoiled with good weather, lol.

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Portland too, or at least it used to be that way. It has to be raining pretty solidly for me to reach for an umbrella. Of course having no hair helps.

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Getting rained on generally sucks. But having an uncovered head o’ hair, in the rain, really, really blows. :person_red_hair:


After 15 minutes of XCountry skiing, I sometimes was down to my polypro undershirt. If that sport isn’t the best exercise, then I don’t know what is.