Thoughts on Davie504?

Davie is a really good player. I like Rob Scallon (he started on bass and plays like, every string instrument so he can count!) the most.

Davie didn’t start the using a pick thing…I don’t know the Real origin of it, but for me it was Victor Wooten in “Me and My Bass Guitar” song on A Show of Hands album album.


I didn’t know Rob Scallon started on bass. He and Jared Dines are funny when they do bass stuff.

Probably my favorite Scallon:


Another nice thing about Davie is scale. He’s big enough now that he attracts some other top tier artists, and when it works, it’s fantastic.

I love the one with Tim Henson.


I think he’s actually best when he isn’t slapping. Ironically his jam with a pick is one of my faves


For me, it’s got to be the Ukulele group series. So awesome!


'Rays sound even better picked than slapped :slight_smile:


Tim Henson is probably an alien or something.


That whole band, man. Crazy.


Yeah this guy’s 15 minutes were done a loonnggg time ago. Hope someday he just drops all this shite and just becomes an actual musician. Cuz I would buy it.


I’ll admit I find his demeanor and random zoom ins amusing but the battles he has with other youtubers are hard to take seriously. The whole “you betrayed me” thing is like… ‘um, ok dude whatever’ Sometimes the jokes land simply from the way he delivers them. Anyways, he’s awesome from a musician standpoint… but this is coming from someone who has never touched a bass and yet I’d still like to learn to slap as hard as Davie can. Would be cool to do what the Rob guy from some of Davie’s videos did and slap eight string guitars. At the end of the day I love to watch Charles Berthoud play his bass more than anyone else.


I agree! Davie is very talented but the likes of Charles and Rob (both of them have been in his videos before)show more of how well they can play while davie is a little too devoted to jokes and memes.


Hey @Jbassist284 - welcome to BassBuzz! I think you might want to change your name- we already have a @Jazzbass19

Whoops! Thanks for the welcome!

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I’m probably the only bass player on earth who has never been to his channel, and probably never will. Even all these comments about him don’t pique my curiosity in the least.


He’s a very talented slap bassist who got an immense popularity boost when featured by (literally) the world’s most popular youtuber; he picked up a few hundred thousand subs almost overnight because of it, and was smart enough to capitalize on it and turn it in to a career that probably guarantees his prosperity for the rest of his life.

Honestly you may not like him, but as both a bassist and as a zeitgeist he is absolutely worth checking out.


I’ve watched Davie504 for quite a while and noticed the change in content caused by his increase in popularity.
This happens to most youtube channels as they attract more viewers.
Let’s be honest here. Youtubers are after views so that they can monetise their channels.
The content that gets a LOT of views has to be content that appeals to the most viewers. Look at the most viewed content on youtube.
Does it appear to be highly educational and relevant?
So you can assess that the lowest common denominator to get views isn’t high brow stuff.

Davie has gone to rapidly produced meme based content and collaboration stuff and I’ve cooled on a lot of that. Some of his earlier stuff when he put lots of effort in was pretty funny. One of my favourites was when he made the bass/minecraft interface and had to learn to play minecraft by playing bass. Another one was where he went on Omegle to play bass to people.
I actually discovered Two Set Violin and then ended up learning a heap about recorders on another channel.
Davie is an youtube entertainer who happens to play the bass. He’s introduced a lot of people to the bass which can’t help but be a good thing.
I also think he did a marvelous job promoting Charles Berthoud.
I’m not super keen on his new stuff, but if he is making money from it, good luck to him.


I don’t watch him as much as I used to, but I’m, glad he’s around or I wouldn’t know about the Octobass!


I love Davie. Anyone that can do as good as he does, sitting at home, recording himself playing bass is good in my book. I wish I could do what he does at his level of skill.


So… I tend to not watch “YouTubers”. And generally speaking the only thing I go to YouTube for is skateboard and BMX fail videos.

But that bass solo? That was pretty damn good. :slight_smile: