Tony Levin fans help a brother out!

I’ve been on a Peter Gabriel kick this week, his 1986 album ‘So’ has some of the greatest bass licks ever laid down, IMO. I want to learn “Shaking the Tree”, but unlike his better-known songs, I’m having difficulty finding a tab for it.

The best version is on the ‘Secret World’ tour, and I’ve been trying to learn the line Tony Levin whips out at the 4:30 mark.
Peter Gabriel - Shaking The Tree (Secret World Live HD) (

I’m not good at playing by ear, but I think this a shape built on the C chord at the at A2? Any help?




That’s a tasty track and it’s an awesome groove too. She can sing too, wow, she’s great.

When I get into it I’ll share the quick and dirty transcription.

Here’s a quick bass boost track for you. Looks like a key of F

Here’s at 80%

Have fun! @MarkeeMark

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Thanks! I appreciate it. Would love to take a time machine back and go to that concert tour!

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Check out Peter Gabriel’s latest album “i/o”. Really great and some good bass lines too.


Absolutely! I’d go just for Tony Levin alone and to have Manu Katche on the drums is just bonus. His backup singers are all gems. Then you have Mr. Lamb lies down on broadway.

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Heads up, Rick Beato just posted an interview with Tony Levin on the tube.

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