Top 10 Bassists (Who's Your Favourite?)

A unsung legend she is.


So, I’m new here and I can’t play bass (yet. I WILL learn) but I’ll throw a few names in the mix… Trevor Bolder, Berry Oakley and Boh. :ok_hand:t2::+1:t2:


Welcome aboard, @1972_wozza . . . :slight_smile:

We hope you enjoy your time with us, and see you around the Forums!

All best, Joe


Thanks for the welcome, Joe, it’s very much appreciated :+1:t2:


Yes! Great bass playing on Spiders From Mars. :slight_smile:


His playing was so melodic, I love it :ok_hand:t2: :ok_hand:t2: Trevor Bolder’s the reason I bought a bass guitar (although I’m still yet to learn to play it!) I was listening to Hunky Dory one day and suddenly realised how much I loved the bassline to Kooks. Other gems include John, I’m Only Dancing, Aladdin Sane, Cracked Actor and Lady Grinning Soul. For pure visceral intensity the bass on Moonage Daydream from the Ziggy Stardust OST is a must. It’s so powerful it literally bursts through the speakers!

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Billy Gould of Faith No More. Underrated!

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Peter Hook. He’s been my favorite since the mid-80s. Not underrated exactly as many artists (including some on that RS list - Flea especially) will call him out as a primary influence, but it’s unlikely he’ll be listed in a top 10 reader poll any time soon :slight_smile:


I love the shout out to BABYMETAL here. Very cool… and, obviously, such a killer player.

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BABYMETAL’s whole backing band is freaking amazing and underrated. They rock seriously hard.

Been listening to my old New Order CDs and picking out the bass track - really interesting noting the bass parts to some of those jams - he does some cool stuff with the instrument for sure, makes some great sounds.

And also been learning to play “Love will Tear Us Apart”, such a fun tune to play, and not too hard to learn and jam to… Just have to learn to use a pick, and turn the treble up a bit on the amp, lol.


Just reading this thread for the first time today, and glad someone finally mentioned my bass hero, Duck Dunn, and then Carol Kaye. Yeah, the RS poll was a beauty contest. Like, where’s Joe Osborn, the longtime first-call LA session player about whom Leland Sklar, who is also not mentioned, said that when Osborn moved to Nashville, his (Sklar) phone started ringing a lot more for LA session work.

And @JoshFossgreen , about John Entwistle and The Who, I might share your opinion of him and them, but my mother told if I couldn’t say something nice I should say nothing at all (but Mom, I don’t like them!), so mumblemumble… :innocent:


Trevor Bolder made me start bass. I don’t know if was the insane 70’s glam sideburns or the insane 70’s bass lines. He was a nice man. I will miss his bass! Hooky and Barry Adamson also paved my way as bassists who didn’t sound like anyone else, who would tell you how they did it and offer (friendly) advice on how to be yourself or “keep it real”. Both Legends now and rightfully so. Ta Wozza, Howard and everyone!


That song is the entire reason I went looking for a Chorus pedal :slight_smile:

Fun song to learn to play chords with. I just strum it with my fingernails.


I need to buy Hooky’s books, I hear they are excellent histories of the whole Manchester post-punk world.

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Has anybody mentioned Norman Watt-Roy? He is the bassist with The Blockheads (the band Ian Dury had his success with). Man the guy can play, and he has one of the most mesmerising body styles I’ve ever seen.

Norman wrote/performed what I think is one of the greatest bass lines ever, on one of the greatest pop songs of all time: “Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick”. Even before I knew anything about bass I knew there was something special about that song.

A lot of his stuff sounds simple until you dig into it a little bit, and then you realise just how perfect almost everything he creates is for the song.


I read the Hacienda book and they are, somewhat interesting. I view them differently I suppose because I was on my own timeline, so to speak. So a lot of fun tinged with regret and, in hindsight, melancholy blues.

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Josh has a video up on YT !

Josh mentions 16th note permutations which is very interesting as a training module in its own right and I found myself writing a bass part after practicing that. Ta Josh!

On his last tour with The Light he had Rowetta along to sing Atmosphere. I thought “Whoa, who’s next, Bez?”

Turns out he had done a DJ tour with Bez a few years prior :slight_smile:

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