Trace Elliot Elf 1x10

Anyone have any opinions on the Trace Elliot Elf 1x10 200 watt amp combo. Im looking at one now. Seems to get good reviews.

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its good, its small, has a DI for your interface. If this is for a practice room then you will be happy

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Mainly a practice amp, maybe small garage type jamming with friends.


I had the Elf head and the 10ā€ cabinet. The head has a noisy fan and the combination overall doesnā€™t sound good. I bought them on the strength of online reviews and was very disappointed. :-1::-1:


Hey guys

Iā€™ve just invested in a 1x10 Trace Elliot speaker cab (300w @ 8 ohm) and Iā€™m trying to decide on a good head to go with it. Any recommendations? The whole setup needs to be portable - the wife and I have found some hippies to jam with :slight_smile: .

Also, this is the back end - any idea what the two ā€˜parallel inputā€™ sockets do? First time using anything other than a combo see ā€¦

Also, if I get a tube amp, how many watts can I run into the speaker? I still donā€™t get the power ratings on tube amps - I know a 300w tube is way more powerful than a solid state 300w ampā€¦

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Trace makes this adorable tiny 200W that would go with your cab nicely. It probably sucks for sound but weā€™re talking matching the greens here. Gotta have priorities.


I was just actually salivating over this just now :slightly_smiling_face:. Portable, inexpensive, reasonably loudā€¦ it looks like it could be just the job. I can always swap it for something more comprehensive later on if need be.

Now I just need to work on excuses why I should keep my old orange crush :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


I believe they are both input/outputs. You plug your amp into one and you can chain a second cab out from the other jack into the second cabā€™s input. They are interchangeable, in one and out the other.


Aha! Thanks @Paul_9207 :+1::+1: