What are you listening to right now?

Late For The Sky. Very nice. Thanks for that.

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You know, I have never really got into what others would consider mainstream music. When my peers were listening to Peter Frampton in the 70’s, I had just discovered Rush and the Blue Oyster Cult. Others were into Kiss in a big way, I preferred Robin Trower. In the 80’s and 90’s I again listened to groups that most had never heard of. Marillion was one of my favorites (still is) as well as heavier stuff like Venom, St Vitus, Jag Panzer, and things like that. People criticized what I listed to all the time. As time went on my music tastes grew and I started listening to other types of music like Leo Kottke, Michael Manring, David Torn and the like. Now I like Meshuggah, Polyphia, Nemophila, Riverside, Jinjer and others of a similar vein. But I will also binge listen to Warren Zevon because I know a lot of the places he placed in his lyrics and I love a good story telling song. Many nuggets of excellence on this forum that I have picked up on and enjoy now. The only music that I cannot stomach is rap. But I do not diss anyone that listens to it, it just isn’t my bag. I don’t necessarily like Poppy, but love the Japanese bands like Baby Metal, Nemophila because I have been to Japan when I was in the Marines and kinda became immersed in the culture… Some of the best bands I ever saw was at various E-Clubs in Japan, the Philippines and Thailand. They were rocking hard back in the early 80’s and from what I can see from Wombat’s posts, they still are. Open your ears and your minds! There is good stuff out there


This part is what got my goat. You like what you like, you don’t what you don’t, they’re doing just fine on their own

When Poppy was came on the scene, she leveraged the popularity of Babymetal extensively in her PR to gain audience. Now of course she’s established in her own right, and rightfully so

What I love about bands like Babymetal, Nemophila, Lovebites, Gachaspin and others is that rock and roll music is alive and well and in the hands of Japanese women. Rick Beato calls it dead, nope, he should go to Japan. It’s a vibrant scene


Heavy AF, poppy AF, and danceable. Babymetal has the secret sauce

those transitions…

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well i remember having a mohawk and pissing off all my friends when i listened to madonna too. i’ve never been one to let anybody tell me what to do very much :grin:

that being said, this has been out for a while but man i love this girl, so talented.





Her old stuff is electronic and or noise, then pop, then she got smart and realized that there was a market in Japan that was basically untapped in the US and has tried to capitalize on it for sure.

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She totally made it her own after dumping that producer

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And by producer you mean “controlling scumbag”, no?

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that’s him

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exactly what is the point of a rant like this? if you don’t like someone’s music you can always… wait… let me check… oh right, keep your mouth shut and not listen to it, instead of being belligerent and insulting. i understand you think you are being clever, but let me clear this up: you aren’t.

i think this post is WAY out of the spirit of this forum and really disappointing to see here.


If that’s because of what I said about Babymetal, I can only apologise and I do so without reservation.

I don’t like their music and I never will. However, my comments were tongue in cheek and I did not mean to offend.


It wasn’t to be harsh @John_E , it was supposed to be tongue in cheek but I guess that’s the problem with written dialogue between strangers - it’s not always possible to gauge a tone.

Again, I apologise for offending.

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So you’re implying that there’s a racist implication here? If that’s the case, you are badly mistaken.

I was not being belligerent and I’ve apologised for being offending.

No, I did not think I was being clever, as I’ve said above it was meant to be tongue in cheek. Therefore, your ‘understanding’ is incorrect. If you’re unsure, either shoot me a message and clarify or take your own advice and keep quiet.

im blocking this guy. i suggest we ban him.

Appreciate it.


Why? Because you got told and you don’t like it?

I was mistaken, I apologised. What did you do? Inflame the situation. Great job.

@Wombat-metal Thanks, mate.

Lesson learned. I’ll keep quiet in future.

This is getting old and out of hand. Enough with the chastising. If you don’t like a post and think it’s offensive, report it and let the mods deal with it should they chose to do so.

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