I thought that too but as far as I can tell @JoshFossgreen does everything he can to clear up any doubts you might have, but especially hand shape and position is a complex topic as there isn’t a one size fits all solution.
I have come to learn that providing videos of actually playing what you are struggling with is the best method to get help here on the forum. Josh even took the time to create pictures of correct hand shape when I had questions about that regarding slap - see this thread/post: Slap & Pop on strings close together - #8 by JoshFossgreen
I know it can be scary to publish things expecially things you are struggling with but apart from a 1on1 teacher (which of course would be helpful too) I think this is the best method to get reliable help. Sidenote: It also helps when trying to do both roles yourself - teacher & student. It allows for a more objective eye on what you are playing. I don’t consider myself knowledgable enough to say “Yep.” or “Nope.” or “This has pros and cons.” but there are people here who are and I think they could be able to help if they actually see something to say yep or nope to