What are you struggling with?

I could use some advice although I am mostly just in limbo. I am to the Billie Jean module which I get is a tough one but my issue is more long term fretting hand technique than anything. I have just enough private lessons to be using the 4 finger technique, it’s just habit by now and so when Josh goes three fingers I tend to stick to what I know because I can get by so much faster getting the basic groove down.

The Billie Jean lesson is a perfect example of just sticking with the 4 finger and wondering if I want to completely relearn using the stacked technique? Or soldier on with 4 finger as it may pay off later on? I for the life of me can not get my fingers to stack like he shows using pinky and ring and using my index and ring finger on 2nd and 4th fret make things comfortable for me. Problem is the way I am doing it is slow, I know I need to work on the rolling strings technique to get my ring finger to roll up from d string to a string. However I have been working on it for a long time and no matter how many times I practice it is just a mess. I have at least gotten to the point where I leave my index finger stationary on the d string on the second fret while I move my ring up and down on the fourth fret so that my entire hand isn’t jumping strings on every note.

I know he says it doesn’t matter and move on but given all my previous lessons and playing time I feel like I should be a bit better than I am in the way I am doing it already. Since I am not I am stuck between all kinds of ways. I also feel like I know just enough to not be doing any of it right. Lastly the only way I get through it seems it with just so much hand movement, so much wasted energy when I compare me to others playing.