What are you struggling with?

Interestingly, I started this journey on a Kala U-Bass, but knew I would want a big bass.

I tried a short scale and it was easier, but they’re not as easily available at pawn shops, so I’m determined to play long scale. I picked up a scarcely played but dusty Affinity PJ for cheap at the pawn nearest my office. I know it’s not the greatest bass, but it’s mine and I love it. The relief checked out, so I’m in the process of adjusting the saddles for action and intonation. I want to get flatwound strings for it, at which point I will set it up again.

Serial indicates 2017 production at Cor-tek Indonesia. Probably a starter pack bass.


Currently struggling with playing/excercising and make progress in the course at all. Have not played for two weeks at least. :frowning:

  1. My ordered amp is still not here and it’s frustrating to play on a cheap bad sounding guitar amp.
  2. Not finding time at all for my hobbies at the moment, real frustrating.

I hope I can get back to it soon.


Seconded here with a loud holler of frustration and sympathy, bud.


Yeah, waiting for gear is frustrating, no doubt about it! There are some interim solutions, most notably perhaps the Vox Amplug

Haha, yes… my wife (half-jokingly complained and) said I used to bake more bread (at least during the weekends) and now the bass has taken up all my spare time. I guess we all only have finite/limited time, so one advice is to cut as much meaningless stuff as you can (TV perhaps…) and focus on what is rewarding :smile:


Struggling with the slap bass module - it’s hard to go back to so completely sucking!


Haha - I felt the same way. I’m so new I watched and tried, but moved through this module quickly. I still have enough to learn just to pluck, slapping and popping will wait.


I find I struggle to get playing/practicing every day…but I force myself to pick up my bass and just say “Do one lesson module” or “Play one song from start to finish”… 5min is all. I pick up my bass and next thing I know 40 min have flown by, and IM HAVING FUN with all the stress of the workday melting away.

My point is … dont try and force yourself to practice an hour or more a day. Even if you only play 10min every other day… thats 40 min of practice a week! And I guarantee you when you pick up your bass, you will play more than 10 min!!


My guess is you are not alone with this experience, @infra! There are probably many among us that have tried this module and then decided to move on for the time being (this is also Josh’s recommendation). If you perhaps never intend to slap, then for sure there is no reason to get stalled here.

I skipped this also (after some lame attempts to try) - I don’t think I will be slapping a lot in the future, but I sure would like to get a grasp of this technique at some point. So, either come back to this module later, or check out a recent video by @JoshFossgreen on his YouTube channel (also in here somewhere) on a more fundamental approach to slapping - that one really helped me to get over a lot of my initial frustrations!


Wow, why is the Billie Jean song so confusing?! I can play it at half speed or sometimes full speed when I’m concentrating, but that’s the thing - sometimes if I concentrate too much, it all falls apart, so every so often, I’m losing my mind on this lesson!

I’m trying to pin-point what it is that’s making me make mistakes. It’s definitely something to do with the second note (D) because my brain just wants to go down to the F after the initial G all the time.

You know when you play a riff and you have a note that you use as anchor or a position that you have as an anchor and you are comfortable playing around it? Well, it feels like there’s no anchor on this riff and I can’t seem to nail it.

Anyone else experiencing this, or have any tips?

Meanwhile, back to the lesson!!

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Interesting. If I use my pinky finger for all the 4th notes, it immediately becomes about 50% easier. So, I guess I’m simply not used to using the ring finger alongside the pinky.

But I’m assuming the ring finger placement was there for a reason so I should keep practicing with both ring and pinky going forwards.

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If you can do that . . . you’re doing great! :+1:

I still have trouble isolating and using my pinky , especially on the lower frets.

Cheers, Joe


Cheers Joe,

This is the thing - I’m fine using pinky in general - what I’m not used to I think, is stacking the ring and pinky and having them completely independent. I’m assuming that’s one of the reasons why it’s shown like that.

You know when you come across something that’s at the limit of your skill/speed and you sort of have to trust yourself, look away and just play it and it generally works? It’s like that for me - I keep messing up when I’m consciously trying to work on the ring/pinky independence. I think the best thing to do is practice it more (as always!) using both methods and then try and practice more independent ring/pinky stuff away from this exercise.

It’s such a great course though for the exact reason that this opportunities present themselves - I’d have probably never have come across this situation without it.

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Yes, thank you, that’s what I was referring to, @quadfather :slight_smile:

I still have to use that “finger roll” technique to even come close to being able to try to play “Billie Jean” correctly. Gotta remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day!

But it will take me longer to master this track than it took to build Rome :roll_eyes:

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Right, I’m with you now!

Which finger roll is that? Is that from the first and second notes?

I can’t seem to work that, because I can’t seem to work out how I would mute the first note.

It’s just damn difficult when you come across a deficiency with you skill.

Still, least I know what I need to practice more now :slight_smile:

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I’m getting very frustrated with trying to learn how to pluck with my fingers! When I first picked up a bass 20 years ago, I played with a pick (just messed around playing the Ramones and the Misfits, etc.). I stopped playing for quite a while and when I picked up a bass again 3 years ago, I realized I was limiting myself by using just a pick so I tried plucking with my fingers. I have an old (right) shoulder injury from years ago so it hurt when I tried that. Then I was out watching my dad’s (oldies cover) band play and he plays bass and I notice he plucked with just his thumb. So I started doing that about three years ago.

So now I’m trying the finger plucking thing again while going through these lessons and I play for one song and get a searing pain in my shoulder. Maybe it’s because of the way I’m sitting and my shoulder is kind of crunched up? I’m not sure. When I pluck with my thumb, I can kind of wrap my arm around my bass so it doesn’t hurt as much. But that limits me from playing a lot of things I want to learn too. I guess I will keep at it though, some days my shoulder hurts less than others.


I’ve been battling pain and injuries in my right hand/arm/shoulder for years.
It’s no joke.
2 finger plucking may not be your option!
Playing with a pick is phenomenal, as is playing with the thumb. You’ll figure out how to do what you want with either of those techniques.

I’ve had to dramatically alter technique and practice/playing habits over the years due to strange right hand behavior.
Your health and comfort are going to dictate how you play no matter what, so go with what you can do and what’s comfortable!


I was about to say the same thing. Finding a position in which you can play comfortably is of paramount importance.
Maybe it’s just a posture problem that can be fixed.

My finger nail on my middle finger on my plucking hand has a longer nail, even when close trimmed, that give a different sound than my index finger. How can I best deal with this?


I wish I had a good answer for this. I’ve always been obsessive about short nails and playing the bass has made it worse.

On the other hand (lemons/lemonade) nail strumming can be fun.


I’m still trying to figure out the one-size-fits-all solution for this… A couple things that have helped other people:

  • Try to pluck a little further down your finger, closer to the base / further from the tip
  • Try adjusting your hand/finger angle a little to be less vertical / more diagonal, to pull your nail further from the string

Either of those work?