What are you struggling with?

Yeah this is one of those things where the machine transcription is just biting it hard :slight_smile:

Willing to bet it’s the lead-in that causes this.

Yeah, I’m tempted to correct that - but that*s a rabbit hole that I don’t wanna get into, especially when posting more videos.

So I just wait for the Songster discount and hope that most Ignitionsearch are correct enough…

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Thanks so much, Mike!

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left hand muting. i get that i’m still a noob and it’ll develop with practice, but it still sounds a lil rough. also struggling with reading music, but that’s another can of worms LOL.


I’d be interested to know how many on here can read music, or are learning to read music.

I tend to rely on tabs and ear, rather than reading sheet music…

I’m learning to read in standard notation. I’m at the point where I could solely rely on it when learning a new song… but it would be slow going. My daughter transcribed a bassline from one of the indie bands we like into standard notation for me, and learning it was a real treat. I imagine this will be a faster process in the future the more I do it, but for now it involves not just figuring out what the notes are on the sheet music, but also where to best play those notes on the fretboard since I’m not getting that prescriptive guidance from the tab.

I do find it helpful even when I’m learning from tab to also display the standard notation to help with learning the fretboard.


I prefer reading notation over tab.

Tab is helpful as an initial reference, for seeing the positions where different parts of a line are played on the fretboard. But after a couple of passes through a tune, and making notes at neck position shifts, I find it smoother to play a line by reading notation.


Yet it’s the right of passage in the way. We all do that at some point, :laughing: I’ve been working like crazy but on some days I just need some relief next thing you know I play 3-4 hours and suffer the next day :joy:

Well each month I have minimum of 2 days that I’d spend 3-5 hours one for rehearsal and the gig night. That takes care of most the pent up energy for the month.


I can read music but generally use tabs to save time learning tunes. I read treble clef for sax though. No cheat available there.


It is not a maschine transcription, all Tthose transcription are done manually.
The people who are doing them sometimes don’t care about notation at all and just place the notes wherever they appear in the right place for the recording.


Ahh, so just a normal bad transcription then? That makes sense.

FWIW machines make similar errors. You can get most DAWs to produce standard notation from MIDI and it is often pretty bad.


I’ve done a few transcriptions on GP8 learning how to input notations and tabs and it’s actually not bad at all. The process is a bit or a pain but when I’m in the mood for it it’s not too bad.

I’m getting pretty good at reading tabs now. I don’t see music the same way the sheets would allow me but it’s something I can follow along practicing. It’s quite an effective method. I can see why people like the tabs even pros.


I don’t know where this belongs, but if I listen to the bass solo’d (by moises) it’s clang city. Should I just not worry about fret buzz playing this?

I threw a Rammstein song in moises and pretty much same thing, tons of (I think, unless I’m missing something or it’s an artifact) fret noise. Completely avoiding fret noise overrated?

Interesting, that’s not been my experience of the separated bass from moises with the few I’ve tried. If anything they tend to be a bit flat and dull. I figured moises is struggling to pull the mids and trebles out with the separation.

But I wouldn’t trust the exact tone you’re hearing from any separation like this; it’s never going to be the pure tone of the instrument, and identifying what is bad playing and what is artifact from the separation is, I suspect, near impossible.


I definitely hear jangliness, even in the section where the guitar isn’t playing here.

I also hear some jangle in this clip however it was made, so I don’t think it’s just an artifact after some more thought:

I think I remember hearing some of the Steve Harris sound is smacking the strings off the fretboard so I guess it’s believable to me that I’m hearing that? I don’t know what I don’t know here and that’s making me question everything.

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Clang is thing in hard rock, metal, and even punk.


Ah okay I think you’re partly hearing deliberate scraping of the pick on the strings, exactly like the commentator was describing, and also just quite aggressive attack with the pick. I don’t think that’s fret noise, at least it doesn’t sound like it to me. I think it’s all being generated by the pick. I confess I’m not personally too keen on the sound of a pick on the bass, but sometimes it’s exactly what’s needed. I prefer the rounder sound of plucking or switching to slap and pop (not that I can do that yet!).

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Oh, I get it. You’re an Alex Webster fan :wink:

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Well more a Marcus Miller actually but yeah! :rofl:


I never solo the bass on Moises. Drag everything down to 10-20% and it will sound a lot better. Also clang is fine and good. And fretbuzz is not bad if it’s not coming through the amp.