What is the day of your inner-self “bass-birthday”

What is the day of your inner-self “bass-birthday” (BBD.)

If, for argument sake a bass-birthday is defined as the day one first takes ownership of a bass guitar, then I was born in the last week of December 2023.
What was your BBD and how do you define that day?

Here today, I am some six months older in “calendar time” but have barely opened my eyes into the world of bass guitar even though the thought of playing bass has been in my psyche for decades.

The time difference between my actual birthed day and BBD is about 59 years. If I have only 22,000 days, then I need to up my bass skills if I am to feel reasonable satisfaction in this instrument. I have done very little in this journey (other than set up a reasonably dedicated practice space.)

I still need to learn how to roll over let alone crawl and then walk.
But what are the years that are the bookends of my life, of my Bass Life?
…and, more importantly, what is keeping me back from living a bassic life?

With whom am I in competition,
is it myself or some other stranger?
Why am I not getting more into this crazy little thing called Bass Guitar…
Is it because I am afraid that I will fail at it?
Or am I fearing that I will succeed.



How does that make you feel?


This is a groovy idea.
I don’t remember the day, but I know it was 1992.
The first time I played a bass was at my friend Nat’s house.
He let me take it home so I could practice (for our band).
That was the beginning.


I had to think about that.

Without going through a litanic dissertation…
I am the worlds biggest procrastinator.


My Bass Birthday is July 8, 2024. I’m really really new at this!!


I was hanging out with a friend on April 16, 2024 after a great set. He’s a touring bassist who inspired me to get my first bass in 2005. I never learned much at that time and sold it after a few years of seeing it sit in a corner.

I bought my current bass on May 15, 2024… but I think I became a bassist that night talking to him. It took me a month to build up the courage to commit to yet another hobby.


Mine was June 14, 2024
I bought it for my 56th birthday 2 weeks before.


I just use my forum birthday. I was seriously playing about a month before that but eh, don’t care.

The first dabbling I did was in 1988 but it was not serious, just jamming on my bandmate’s bass for fun.


Bought my first bass on 27th May '23 but didn’t really get serious about it for a couple of months. I started learning with Mark and Talking Bass but didn’t join this forum until November after finding the most useful answers to my online queries here on these pages.


In 1988 I was…

You know what, never mind.


In 1987 I was going to be the bass player in my school band…didn’t happen, somebody beat me to it so I became the drummer. :slightly_smiling_face:
May 2023 the inevitable happened, got my first bass and started b2b


…in college like me? :rofl:

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Quite a bit younger than that :rofl:


(I figured :slight_smile:)

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