What strap locks do you use Josh?

you just lock/unlock them with a half-turn with your fingers, it takes one second

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I use the Fender Infinity locks. I have one with EB too, and near as I can tell, theyā€™re identical. I like them.

Until you drop one, first thing I do when I get a bass is put on locks even before I tune it up.

The strap also pivots better and is more comfortable to play


Iā€™m the opposite of a strap junkie. I donā€™t care a bit about matching strap colors/patterns to bass bodies, etc.

Instead, Iā€™ve found one strap that is so comfortable that I donā€™t notice it at all when I play (Levyā€™s 4.5ā€).

Thatā€™s why I use strap locks. I can easily remove my strap from one bass and snap it on another. Simple.

If I were gigging and needed quick instrument changes on stage, I could see how one-strap-per-bass would make sense. But I sure donā€™t need that in my practice room. YMMV.


I did this several times with one strap and strap locks, and Iā€™m not sure it takes more time than changing the instruments with the straps on.

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Yeah, it might take a couple of seconds longer to snap on a strap, but who cares? My basses can go back on their stands or into a case in no time, really.

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Yeah same here. Down to one strap and I like it much better that way.

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How unlike you. :rofl:

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Lol, yep, thereā€™s a pattern for sure :slight_smile:


Me too, Iā€™m far from a strap junkie. I have two straps with strap locks, one that I always use and one spare. I have a few others straps without strap locks, that Iā€™ve had with various guitar and bass buys, but I never use them. All of them are very basic straps, nothing fancy and even nothing comfortable. My main strap is not padded at all, just a black nylon strap.

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I suspect that it was probably an improvised repair that grew into a style choice?

possibly. One time I did exactly the same emergency repair with a beer cap, thatā€™s why I have this round scratch on my main guitar :


Iā€™ve used Dunlops and Schaller S-Locks. Of the two I prefer the Schallers. Lately Iā€™ve been favoring oversized strap buttons.


Same here! I have Dunlops on the Cirrus, but Schallers on all my Fenders. That said, neither is perfect, the Schallers keep rotating on me, probably need to locktite them. And theyā€™ve been a bit squeaky!

Honestly the cheap washer thing is a great solution if you only have one strap + one bass, less fuss overall.